Last modified: 2014-10-30 19:06:10 UTC This returns a list of language codes languages: [ {code:aa, *:Qafár af} ...{lang:he, url:, *:טופו} ] In mobile we need to identify which languages are RTL and which are not. Expected: Return a rtl property when a language is RTL languages: [ {code:aa, *:Qafár af } ... {lang:he, url:, *:טופו, rtl: true }]
At a glance, it seems this would require fetching a Language object for every single language. That may be prohibitive from a performance perspective.
Pulling in some i18n experts.
Even if we can skip that part (as with Language::getFallbacksFor()), it would still require loading language info for every language which has the same concerns.
I said on IRC that many people use for getting the direction of a language. I do not know if that is possible for you.
I don't understand the bug summary. lang="he" rtl="" WORKSFORME
He is asking for rtl="" for all supported languages, not for the content language (where the flag exists). For what the dir is needed in this context? Another solutation maybe where to add the dir (rtl or ltr) to each language link from the prop=langlinks, than there is no need to fetch all languages and just use the one which are needed. By the way: For performance you can actually change meta=siteinfo&siprop=languages by llprop=autonym