Last modified: 2007-07-07 07:03:58 UTC
categoryTreeExpandNode() function, the JS function used to expand nodes in a category and see their subcategories, doesn't work correctly (does not retrieve any sub categories) when there is a ZWNJ character in the name of the category you expand. ZWNJ (Zero-Width-Non-Joiner) is a commonly used character in Farsi language. Javascript is well known to have problems with this character. A workaround is to enter that character either as an HTML encoded value or as a unicode encoded value (i.e. \u200C). I think an update to that JS function is needed in this regard. If I can help with it, please let me know.
It turns out that this bug, which only happens in Firefox 2.x or below, is caused by Firefox's problems with ZWNJ in JS. Mozilla team have claimed this problem to be fixed on Firefox 3.0 and I'm closing this bug as invalid.
Well, if there's any way we can work around it, we should.
Simetrical, I actually found a way around it, but decided not to finalise it. We had to modify many portions of the CategoryTree and relevant PHP and JS codes, just for a bug which is no MediaWiki's and will be fixed in near future, with relase of the newer version of Firefox.
Okay, the Mozilla bug is 274152:
There's a good chance this is the same issue as bug 10477 and was fixed by r23834. I can't test as there's no reference to an affected page for this bug.
I confirm that the bug is fixed through r23834.