Last modified: 2013-11-30 10:53:56 UTC
Es ist ein Datenbankfehler aufgetreten. Der Grund kann ein Programmierfehler sein. Die letzte Datenbankabfrage lautete: UPDATE "user_stats" SET stats_opinions_created = NULL WHERE stats_user_id = '1' aus der Funktion „BlogHooks::updateCreatedOpinionsCount“. Die Datenbank meldete den Fehler „23502: FEHLER: NULL-Wert in Spalte »stats_opinions_created« verletzt Not-Null-Constraint “. I have chnaged BlockHooks.php line 171/172 to array( 'stats_opinions_created' => $opinionsCreated ), array( 'stats_opinions_created' => '1' ), and it works. How can I solve this? Regards, basti
Sorry something get wrong on my post (2013-11-29 15:23:09) here. I try to port BlogPage to postgres and "$opinionsCreated" seems to be allways null. there is my postgres code i have create: // SQL from comments-extention -- set Schemata SET search_path = mediawiki; CREATE TABLE "Comments" ( commentid SERIAL NOT NULL, Comment_Page_ID integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, Comment_user_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, Comment_Username varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Comment_Text text NOT NULL, Comment_Date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, Comment_Parent_ID integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, Comment_IP varchar(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Comment_Plus_Count integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, Comment_Minus_Count integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (commentid) ); CREATE TABLE "Comments_Vote" ( comment_vote_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, Comment_Vote_user_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, Comment_Vote_Username varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Comment_Vote_Score integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, Comment_Vote_Date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, Comment_Vote_IP varchar(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); CREATE TABLE "Comments_block" ( cb_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, cb_user_id integer NOT NULL default '0', cb_user_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', cb_user_id_blocked integer default NULL, cb_user_name_blocked varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', cb_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL ); -- set rights to the wikiuser, replace my_wikiuser with your defined database username ALTER TABLE mediawiki."Comments" OWNER TO my_wikiuser; ALTER TABLE mediawiki."Comments_Vote" OWNER TO my_wikiuser; ALTER TABLE mediawiki."Comments_block" OWNER TO my_wikiuser; -- maybe some more mysqlcompat functions are need -- -- or CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ifnull(anyelement, anyelement) RETURNS anyelement AS $BODY$ SELECT COALESCE($1, $2) $BODY$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE //END SQL from comments-extention // SQL from SocialProfile/UserStats extention -- Postgres version CREATE TABLE user_stats ( stats_user_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 PRIMARY KEY, stats_year_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_user_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', stats_user_image_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_comment_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_comment_score INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_comment_score_positive_rec INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_comment_score_negative_rec INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_comment_score_positive_given INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_comment_score_negative_given INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_comment_blocked INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_vote_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_edit_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_opinions_created INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_opinions_published INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_referrals INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_referrals_completed INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_challenges_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_challenges_won INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_challenges_rating_positive INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_challenges_rating_negative INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_friends_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_foe_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_gifts_rec_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_gifts_sent_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_weekly_winner_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_monthly_winner_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_total_points INTEGER DEFAULT 0, stats_overall_rank INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, up_complete INTEGER, user_board_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0, user_board_sent INTEGER DEFAULT 0, user_board_count_priv INTEGER DEFAULT 0, stats_picturegame_votes INTEGER DEFAULT 0, stats_picturegame_created INTEGER DEFAULT 0, user_status_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0, stats_poll_votes INTEGER DEFAULT 0, user_status_agree INTEGER DEFAULT 0, stats_quiz_questions_answered INTEGER DEFAULT 0, stats_quiz_questions_correct INTEGER DEFAULT 0, stats_quiz_points INTEGER DEFAULT 0, stats_quiz_questions_created INTEGER DEFAULT 0, stats_quiz_questions_correct_percent FLOAT DEFAULT 0, stats_links_submitted INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stats_links_approved INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- perhaps this belong to RandomFeaturedUser ? -- user_points_weekly table -- -- set Schemata SET search_path = mediawiki; -- user_points_weekly CREATE TABLE /*_*/user_points_weekly ( up_id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, up_user_id integer NOT NULL default '0', up_user_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', up_points float NOT NULL default '0' ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/; CREATE INDEX /*i*/up_user_id ON /*_*/user_points_weekly (up_user_id); ALTER TABLE mediawiki."user_points_weekly" OWNER TO my_wikiuser; -- user_points_monthly CREATE TABLE /*_*/user_points_monthly ( `up_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `up_user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `up_user_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `up_points` float NOT NULL default '0' ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/; CREATE INDEX /*i*/up_user_id ON /*_*/user_points_monthly (up_user_id); ALTER TABLE mediawiki."user_points_monthly" OWNER TO my_wikiuser; -- user_points_archive CREATE TABLE /*_*/user_points_archive ( up_id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, up_period integer NOT NULL default '0', up_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, up_user_id integer NOT NULL default '0', up_user_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, up_points float NOT NULL default '0' ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/; CREATE INDEX up_user_id_archive ON user_points_archive (up_user_id); ALTER TABLE mediawiki."user_points_archive" OWNER TO my_wikiuser; //END SQL from SocialProfile/UserStats extention // SQL from VoteNY extention -- Postgres Version -- author: Sebastian Fiedler -- set Schemata SET search_path = mediawiki; CREATE TABLE "Vote" ( -- Internal ID to identify between different vote tags on different pages vote_id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, -- Username (if any) of the person who voted username varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0', -- User ID of the person who voted vote_user_id integer NOT NULL default '0', -- ID of the page where the vote tag is in vote_page_id integer NOT NULL default '0', -- Value of the vote (ranging from 1 to 5) vote_value char(1) NOT NULL default '', -- Timestamp when the vote was cast vote_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, -- IP address of the user who voted vote_ip varchar(45) NOT NULL default '' ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/; CREATE INDEX vote_page_id_index ON "Vote" (vote_page_id); CREATE INDEX valueidx ON "Vote" (vote_value); CREATE INDEX usernameidx ON "Vote" (username); CREATE INDEX vote_date ON "Vote" (vote_date); // END SQL from VoteNY extention Have I forgot something? Do not hesitate to contact me.
Created attachment 13936 [details] Patch of BlogHooks.php Postgres default use lowerCase names so escape it.
Created attachment 13937 [details] SQL file