Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:33:59 UTC
Renaming a page fails on the cache touching, looks like the timestamp problems again. Warning: pg_query() []: Query failed: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp: "20040906092242" in / var/www/html/gres/includes/DatabasePostgreSQL.php on line 96 A database error has occurred Query: UPDATE cur SET cur_touched='20040906092242',cur_namespace='0',cur_title='Super_Main_Page' WHERE cur_id='8' Function: MovePageForm:: moveToNewTitle Error: 1 ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp: "20040906092242" Backtrace: * DatabasePostgreSQL.php line 366 calls wfDebugDieBacktrace() * Database.php line 297 calls DatabasePostgreSQL::reportQueryError() * Database.php line 777 calls DatabasePostgreSQL::query() * Database.php line 767 calls DatabasePostgreSQL::update() * Title.php line 1106 calls DatabasePostgreSQL::updateArray() * Title.php line 925 calls Title::moveToNewTitle() * SpecialMovepage.php line 132 calls Title::moveTo() * SpecialMovepage.php line 33 calls MovePageForm::doSubmit() * SpecialPage.php line 257 calls wfSpecialMovepage() * SpecialPage.php line 172 calls UnlistedSpecialPage::execute() * index.php line 93 calls SpecialPage::executePath()
Exciting new error now: Warning: pg_query() []: Query failed: ERROR: null value in column "cur_restrictions" violates not-null constraint in /var/www/ html/gres/includes/DatabasePostgreSQL.php on line 96 A database error has occurred Query: INSERT INTO cur (cur_id,cur_namespace,cur_title,cur_comment,cur_user,cur_user_text,cur_timestamp,inverse_timestamp,cur_touched,cur_is_redirect,cur_is_new, cur_text) VALUES ('15','0','?efpa?o','?efpa?o moved to Super Main Page','1','WikiSysop','2004-09-06 10:04:16','79959093899583','2004-09-06 10:04:16','1','1','#REDIRECT [[Super Main Page]] ') Function: Database::insertArray Error: 1 ERROR: null value in column "cur_restrictions" violates not-null constraint Backtrace: * DatabasePostgreSQL.php line 370 calls wfDebugDieBacktrace() * Database.php line 297 calls DatabasePostgreSQL::reportQueryError() * Database.php line 760 calls DatabasePostgreSQL::query() * Database.php line 714 calls DatabasePostgreSQL::insert() * DatabasePostgreSQL.php line 208 calls DatabasePostgreSQL::insertArray() * Title.php line 1124 calls DatabasePostgreSQL::insertArray() * Title.php line 925 calls Title::moveToNewTitle() * SpecialMovepage.php line 132 calls Title::moveTo() * SpecialMovepage.php line 33 calls MovePageForm::doSubmit() * SpecialPage.php line 257 calls wfSpecialMovepage() * SpecialPage.php line 172 calls UnlistedSpecialPage::execute() * index.php line 93 calls SpecialPage::executePath()
right, in new 'cur' schema cur_restrictions has DEFAULT value. it can be changed on fly with ALTER TABLE cur ALTER COLUMN cur_restrictions SET DEFAULT ''