Last modified: 2013-03-25 15:00:09 UTC

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Bug 12907 - Special page to list links to other pages
Special page to list links to other pages
Status: NEW
Product: MediaWiki
Classification: Unclassified
Special pages (Other open bugs)
All All
: Low enhancement with 1 vote (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
: 26757 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 26909
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Reported: 2008-02-04 11:14 UTC by Danny B.
Modified: 2013-03-25 15:00 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description Danny B. 2008-02-04 11:14:34 UTC
It would be handy to have special page to show the list of links going to other pages so user can check the linking without digging through the bunch of text. This should be a complement to Special:Whatlinkshere and should appear in toolbox nearby.

Say Special:Wherelinksto/<pagename> or Special:Linksoverview/<pagename> or whatever...

This page should show links to all pages to which the current page links to. I don't know how much are certain actions expensive, so I'll write the optimal behavior, but I understand it will be probably cut out due to performance reasons.

So the optimal behavior is:

* Three main sections:
** regular wikilinks ([[foo]], [[foo|bar]], [[:namespace:foo]], [[:namespace:foo|bar]])
** interwiki links ([[iwprefix(es):]], [[iwprefix(es):foo]], [[iwprefix(es):foo|bar]] , [[iwprefix(es):|foo]], [[iwprefix(es):foo]], as well as [[:iwprefix:...]] form, but only interwikis, not interlanguage links which appear in "in other languages" section)
** URLs (, [], [ bar], as well as links using {{fullurl:}} and similar colon functions)
* each link would have a sublist of anchortexts (text which appears on page)
* preferably namespace and abc sorted by target
* showing both existing an non-existing targets
* redirects with different class


= Special:Wherelinksto/Lorem ipsum =

== Internal links ==
# [[abc]]
#* [[abc]]
# [[foo]]
#* [[foo|bar]]
#* [[foo|baz]]
#* [[foo]]
#* [[foo|qux]]
# [[zyx]]
#* (class="redirect") [[zyx|foo]]               // zyx is eg. redirect to foo
# [[Wikipedia:Somepage]]
#* [[Wikipedia:Somepage|important somepage]]

== Interwiki links ==
# [[google:Lorem ipsum]]
#* [[google:Lorem ipsum|Google]]
# [[s:Lorem ipsum]]
#* [[s:Lorem ipsum|Find Lorem ipsum on Wikisource]]
# [[wikt:Lorem ipsum]]
#* [[wikt:Lorem ipsum|Find Lorem ipsum on Wiktionary]]

== External links ==
#* []
#* [ 1]               // for autonumbered links
#* [ #]               // if it's impossible to get the numbers

Now the user has perfect overview of all links used on such page so can easily find if something is linked so many times, if some unrelated page isn't linked, if any forgotten link to non-existing template/image is present etc. etc. as well as he can locate the link on page easily via find dialog using the anchor text from the list.
Comment 1 Huji 2008-02-04 18:23:49 UTC
I think this has been requested recently, but I can't find the bug. There, the name was suggest to be WhatLinksFrom, as far as I remember.
Comment 2 Krinkle 2011-01-17 14:22:39 UTC
*** Bug 26757 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Krinkle 2011-01-17 14:24:35 UTC
(Quoted from bug 26757 comment 0)
> Created attachment 7996 [details]
> Screenshot of
> During the 2011 Amsterdam Hackathon ([[nl:chapter:Hackathon 2011]]) I showed
> Roan my JavaScript gadget for "What leaves here". 
> "Isn't that in the core UI, like in the API ?" was something I heard, so filing
> it here.
> keywords:
> Filter
> * Source parameter (like WhatLinksHere's "target" parameter)
> * Namespace parameter (eg. only outgoing links to the X namespace, like
> WhatLinksHere's only incominglinks from the X namespace)
> * Pagination (should be seperate per kind of outgoing like (Links, External
> links, Categories)
> * Limit parameter
> Output sketch:
> == Internal links ==
> Linkfilter: "Hide transclusions | Hide links | Hide redirects | Hide interwiki
> links"
> List with pagelinks, imagelinks, transclusions and (new in 1.17) iw_links
> (indicating the kind of link in parentheses) like:
> * [[File:Acap.svg]] (image link) (← leaves)
> * [[w:Foobar]] (← leaves)
> View (previous 50 | next 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
> == External links ==
> list with external links
> * irc:// (← linksearch)
> View (previous 50 | next 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
> == Categories ==
> List with categories
> * Category:RTRC users (← leaves)
> View (previous 50 | next 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
> All this information is available with high effeciency, as also through the
> API.
> Attached:
> * Screenshot of my JavaScript gadget. Although it doesn't have all the features
> that it could have when done in core, the basic concept works
> See also

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