Last modified: 2007-01-12 05:21:24 UTC
1) Atßtik we have a page to which a line is added daily by a cron job, the version of the time in question can be found at filedetails.php?repname=purodha&path=%2Fcron%2Fcount&rev=6&sc=0 Basically, the data is taken from Special:Statistics, the remaining bloat is of no concern here. 2) The Special:Statistics page showed a wrong image count until 2007-jan-06, see bug #6119. With the correction of this count some others were affected, too - you can see that from Wikipedia:Shtatißtik#Ripoarisch_Wikkipedija_.C2.A0_Jannowaa_2007. where the article count magically increases by much more than the additions of that day, while the edit count decreases by 8572 despite likely 100+ edits of the day, it drops below the current revision ids by about 1300, as these edits show: index.php?title=Wikipedia%3AShtati%C3%9Ftik&diff=177234&oldid=177000 and index.php?title=Wikipedia:Shtati%C3%9Ftik&diff=next&oldid=177234 3) The true edit count inho has to be equal to the highest revision id. Since it is not, in the Ripuarian Wikipedia after the Special:Statistics page was updated, I assume that the server script updating the statistic data, likely does not count edits of deleted pages, or something the like, while the routine performing the life update of statistics does. (Just an educated guess)
You're right; the maintenance script ignored deleted edits. This was fixed in r18897.