Last modified: 2012-12-19 14:07:39 UTC

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Bug 7093 - List dead external links on a special page
List dead external links on a special page
Product: MediaWiki
Classification: Unclassified
Special pages (Other open bugs)
All All
: Lowest enhancement (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
Depends on:
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Reported: 2006-08-22 14:49 UTC by Daniel
Modified: 2012-12-19 14:07 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description Daniel 2006-08-22 14:49:02 UTC
Hi community,

I suggest that a big problem in wiki might be the availability of links. Is there a tool 
existing which can search if all published links are still working? 

The output might be:
1. name of article
2. name of dead link

Thanks for your support!

Kind regards,
Comment 1 Aryeh Gregor (not reading bugmail, please e-mail directly) 2006-08-22 17:14:21 UTC
You mean internal/external links that don't point to a valid page?  We have that
already for internal links, so I'll remove that part from the request:
[[Special:Wantedpages]].  External links this is probably impractical for; how
often are we going to check them?  What if the site is down for a while?  How
much resources will this take up?  Still possibly implementable, but it would be
kind of tricky. 
Comment 2 Andre Klapper 2012-12-19 14:07:39 UTC
WONTFIXing as per comment 1 - I don't see any good way to *reliably* implement this.

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