Last modified: 2014-04-21 18:43:46 UTC
Looking at there has been recent growth in the percentages for the Mozilla User Agent Browsers, non mobile All requests Html pages Chrome 62,239 M 27.32% 5,025 M 24.13% Firefox 26,283 M 11.53% 2,487 M 11.94% MSIE 22,291 M 9.78% 2,371 M 11.39% Mozilla 16,427 M 7.21% 1,593 M 7.65% as this is a catchall for unknown browsers I suspect there is some more specific useragent string is not being recognising. This figure has been growing recently in Aug 2012 it was 0.46%, Aug 2013 it was 3.99%. My guess is it the more recent IE which seem to be using Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko rather than using something sane like MSIE 11.0 which is does not appear in the stats.
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