Last modified: 2014-09-09 16:46:05 UTC
Category links such as [[Category:Foo]] are invisible in Flow posts. We could either auto-correct them to [[:Category:Foo]] so that they are made visible; Or we could warn the user (either: when they click "save", or when they type the closing "]]") that the category link will not be visible nor have any effect. Or other?
I would make it non-binding (possibly take ideas from Sometimes people ''will'' want to add a talk page to a category, by placing it inside of a message.
The WMF core features team tracks this bug on Mingle card, but people from the community are welcome to contribute here and in Gerrit.
[[Category:Foo]] ought to work in the header to categorize a Flow board. In a post it's less clear; if this puts the board in Category:Foo but the post is now the 42nd on the page, then you won't see it on the Flow board until you paginate in, so you won't know why the Flow board is in a category unless you can search the board for posts with Category:Foo. Meanwhile there's no good UI to show on a category page that "[Post ID rl7iby6wgksbpfno]" is in that category. Engineers are starting to implement link tables for Flow, we'll see what comes of it.
Now that topics are separate pages in a Topic: namespace, [[Category:Foo]] put in the topic summary could/should make it appear in that category.
*** Bug 58197 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***