Last modified: 2014-04-11 11:29:41 UTC
Probably since job handling starts an external php process by default. This fails if open_basedir does not contain /usr/bin/ There should be a check for the open_basedir, and an automatic fallback to the internal job queue.
I agree. Note that the open_basedir check should not be done against /usr/bin/, but against the actual value of $wgPhpCli (which defaults to /usr/bin/, but also might be different).
In master this already checks is_executable(), which should handle open_basedir.
Maybe, but it still logs a warning every time it looks for the PHP binary :-( From my error_log: (domains replaced with [error] [client __IP_HIDDEN__] PHP Warning: is_executable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/bin/php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/www/ in /home/www/ on line 652, referer:
Change 113038 merged by jenkins-bot: Moved job running via $wgJobRunRate to a special API
Status Merged