Last modified: 2013-12-22 11:59:55 UTC

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Bug 58820 - PYWP-2 Multilingual development (jira testing)
PYWP-2 Multilingual development (jira testing)
Status: NEW
Product: Pywikibot
Classification: Unclassified
General (Other open bugs)
All All
: Low enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Pywikipedia bugs
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Reported: 2013-12-21 21:59 UTC by Bugzilla Bug Importer (valhallasw)
Modified: 2013-12-22 11:59 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description Bugzilla Bug Importer (valhallasw) 2013-12-21 21:59:13 UTC
This issue was converted from
Summary: Multilingual development (jira testing)
Issue type: New Feature - A new feature of the product, which has yet to be developed.
Priority: Minor
Status: Open
Assignee: Merlijn van Deen <>

On Fri, 02 Nov 2007 23:35:58, Merlijn van Deen <> opened the following bug:
> (copied from the original report at
> ) English speaking at end  ==Francais== Texte d'origine Bonjour Je
> voudrais vous proposer un système qui permet de rendre le robot
> multilingue. En effet, tous les messages envoyé à la console sont
> anglophone. Or le but d'un robot est de s'adapter à la multitude des
> languages pouvant exister de la part des utilisateurs. C'est pour
> cela que je vous propose le système suivant :  Création d'un nouveau
> répertoire 'lang'. Dans ce répertoire s'y trouverait des fichiers de
> type (XX étant le code ISO 639 de la langue). Donc ce
> répertoire contiendra 1 ficher par code de langue existant.  Lorsque
> les différents programmes veulent afficher un message sur la
> console, la commande utilisé est très souvent 'wikipedia.output' ou
> 'wikipedia.input'. Le travail de cette commande serait d'appeller le
> fichier avec le numéro du message à renvoyer en paramètre, le
> choix du xx serait donnée par la variable mylang de
> le fichier enverrais alors le message à afficher en tenant
> compte des différentes variables de type %s (ou autre) bien entendu
> Exemple : dans, j'ai "mylang = 'fr'" à la
> ligne 375 contient la commande "wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the
> new text:')",  Le nouveau système coderait "wikipedia.input(u'Please
> enter the new text:')" par "wikipedia.input.message(284)" appelerait
> donc lang/ et lui demanderais de lui retourner le message n°
> 284 qui serait "s'il vous plais, entrez le nouveaux texte :" et le
> lui retourne.  Voila, en esperant avoir compris ma demande.  Je vous
> remercie de votre écoute  ==English== Text translates since French
> by a machine translation system  Hello I would like to propose you a
> system which allows to return the multilingual robot. Indeed, all
> the messages messenger in the console are English-speaking. Now the
> purpose of a robot is to adapt itself to the multitude of the
> languages which can exist on behalf of the users. It is for it that
> I propose you the following system:  Creation of a new directory '
> lang '. In this directory would be files of type (XX there
> being the code ISO 639 of the language). Thus this directory will
> contain 1 file by existing code of language.  When the various
> programs want to post a message on the console, the order used is
> very often ' wikipedia.output ' or ' wikipedia.input '. The work of
> this order would be to call the file with the number of the
> message to be sent back in parameter, the choice of the xx would be
> given by the mylang variable to  The file would
> send then the message to be posted(shown) by taking into account
> various variables of type %s (or other) naturally  Example: In user-
>, I have " mylang = ' fr ' " in the line 375
> contains the command " wikipedia.input (u' Please enter the new
> text: ') ", The new system would code " wikipedia.input (u' Please
> enter the new text: ') "by" wikipedia.input.message (284) " call
> thus lang/ and would ask it to return it the message n° 284
> which would be " s'il vous plais, entrez le nouveaux texte : ".
> Here we are, by hoping to have understood my demand. I thank you for
> your listening
Comment 1 Bugzilla Bug Importer (valhallasw) 2013-12-21 21:59:18 UTC
On Sat, 03 Nov 2007 08:47:53, Pietrodn <> wrote:
> This is a very good idea! I can help with the Italian translation.
> :-)  Pietrodn
Comment 2 Bugzilla Bug Importer (valhallasw) 2013-12-21 21:59:22 UTC
On Wed, 16 Jan 2008 11:23:14, Purodha Blissenbach <> wrote:
> This was a major task.  I support it, only suggesting to maybe think
> about naming, rather than numbering, the messages: - there should be
> an easy way to determine that a message is, or messages are,  not
> being used any more. - there should be an easy way to find out,
> where messages are being used (grep for a name is usually better
> than grep for a number)  I suggest to make the user-config variable
> mylang a list: mylang='de', ''fr', 'it',  e.g. would return German
> (de) unless a message was not translated, else it would try Francais
> (fr), else Italiano (it) and if all else fails use English by
> default.  I can add translations to de, ksh (native), nds (at least
> parts)  Should not this be treated on the pywikipediabot feature
> request bug tracker at
Comment 3 Bugzilla Bug Importer (valhallasw) 2013-12-21 21:59:26 UTC
On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 15:24:00, Merlijn van Deen <> wrote:
> With the TranslateWiki i18n in place, we should be able to implement
> this fairly simply. However, we might consider using a gettext-like
> interface for this (i.e. using _("English sentence") instead of
> i18n.twtranslate(lang, 'tw-code')). The _()-like interface is much
> clearer when writing code.  Additionally, we should have a way to
> automatically, or at least easily, translate log files from, say,
> French, to English. It makes debugging hard to impossible when
> handling localized texts. Maybe a dual-language output?  Last, but
> not least, do we actually want this? How do we handle non-english
> bug reports? Etc. It's a more philosophical question, though ;-)

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