Last modified: 2006-04-29 01:02:20 UTC

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Bug 5751 - Update for Portuguese messages (pt)
Update for Portuguese messages (pt)
Product: MediaWiki
Classification: Unclassified
Internationalization (Other open bugs)
All All
: Normal normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
: patch-reviewed
Depends on:
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Reported: 2006-04-29 00:55 UTC by Get_It
Modified: 2006-04-29 01:02 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---

MessagesPt.php unified patch (aegis) (9.54 KB, patch)
2006-04-29 00:58 UTC, Get_It

Description Get_It 2006-04-29 00:55:33 UTC
The patch on this 'bug' entry synchronizes the MessagesPt.php file with the
Messages.php file on the SVN, also I took the opportunity to do some corrections
in some of the messages that add been changed on the Messages.php file.

Thank you and my best regards,
Comment 1 Get_It 2006-04-29 00:58:54 UTC
Created attachment 1621 [details]
MessagesPt.php unified patch (aegis)

Small summary of changes, especially of synchronization between files.

- msg:rcshowhideminor (sync messages.php svn 13472)
- msg:rcshowhidebots (sync messages.php svn 13472)
- msg:rcshowhideliu (sync messages.php svn 13472)
- msg:rcshowhideanons (sync messages.php svn 13472)
- msg:rcshowhidepatr (sync messages.php svn 13472)
- msg:rcshowhidemine (sync messages.php svn 13472)
- msg:sp-contributions-newest (sync messages.php svn 13573)
- msg:sp-contributions-oldest (sync messages.php svn 13573)
- msg:sp-contributions-newer (sync messages.php svn 13573)
- msg:sp-contributions-older (sync messages.php svn 13573)
- msg:sp-contributions-newbies-sub (sync messages.php svn 13573)
- msg:watchlistcount (sync messages.php svn 13697)
- msg:clearwatchlist (sync messages.php svn 13697)
- msg:watchlistcleartext (sync messages.php svn 13697)
- msg:watchlistclearbutton (sync messages.php svn 13697)
- msg:watchlistcleardone (sync messages.php svn 13697)
- msg:tog-watchlisthideown (sync messages.php svn 13704, bug#2910)
- msg:tog-watchlisthidebots (sync messages.php svn 13709)
- msg:prefs-watchlist (sync messages.php svn 13704, bug#2910)
- msg:prefs-watchlist-days (sync messages.php svn 13704, bug#2910)
- msg:prefs-watchlist-edits (sync messages.php svn 13726)
- msg:tog-extendwatchlist (sync messages.php svn 13726, 13840, 13841) 
- msg:protectedinterface (sync messages.php svn 13859)
- msg:editinginterface (sync messages.php svn 13859)
- msg:perfcachedts (sync messages.php svn 13685)

- msg:watchdetails (sync messages.php svn 13697)
- msg:wlhideshowown (sync messages.php svn 13709)
- msg:wlhideshowbots (sync messages.php svn 13709)
- msg:whitelistedittext (sync messages.php svn 13870)
- msg:mainpagetext (sync messages.php cvs 1.33; svn 13326)
- msg:mainpagedocfooter (sync messages.php cvs 1.33; svn 13326) 
- msg:allmessagesnotsupportedUI (sync messages.php svn 13456)
- msg:allmessagesnotsupportedDB (sync messages.php svn 13456)
- msg:perfcached (sync messages.php svn 13684, 13685)

- msg:showhideminor (sync messages.php svn 13472)
- msg:contribs-showhideminor (sync messages.php svn 13573)
- msg:wlshow (sync messages.php svn 13709)
- msg:wlhide (sync messages.php svn 13709)

Best regards,
Comment 2 Rob Church 2006-04-29 01:02:20 UTC
Applied to SVN trunk, r13913. Thanks for the patch.

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