Last modified: 2013-10-24 17:41:42 UTC
I have allow_url_fopen disabled (for now) on my fresh wiki and while the install went find, trying to preview the first edit of the Main Page resulted in a MWException, turning on the usual debugging settings: --- error_reporting( -1 ); ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 ); $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; $wgDebugToolbar = true; $wgShowDebug = true; --- caused a jumbled/corrupted/improperly handled Exception to occur which caused the page to render improperly.
Looking further it seems it's because wgDebugToolbar isn't doing what it should, the toolbar is missing.
Hmm, so would it be possible to provide a stacktrace?
So I'm guessing it's because instant commons is enabled. However, I dont rememeber ever seeing a warning during installation regarding this issue. MWHttpRequest::factory: allow_url_fopen needs to be enabled for pure PHP http requests to work. If possible, curl should be used instead. See Backtrace: #0 /www/ MWHttpRequest::factory('', Array) #1 /www/ ForeignAPIRepo::httpGet('') #2 /www/ ForeignAPIRepo->httpGetCached('Metadata', Array) #3 /www/ ForeignAPIRepo->fetchImageQuery(Array) #4 (): ForeignAPIFile::newFromTitle(Object(Title), Object(ForeignAPIRepo)) #5 /www/ call_user_func(Array, Object(Title), Object(ForeignAPIRepo)) #6 /www/ FileRepo->newFile(Object(Title), false) #7 /www/ ForeignAPIRepo->newFile(Object(Title)) #8 /www/ FileRepo->findFile(Object(Title), Array) #9 /www/ RepoGroup->findFile(Object(Title), Array) #10 /www/ wfFindFile(Object(Title), Array) #11 /www/ Parser->fetchFileNoRegister(Object(Title), Array) #12 /www/ Parser->fetchFileAndTitle(Object(Title), Array) #13 /www/ Parser->makeImage(Object(Title), 'link=|center|400px', Object(LinkHolderArray)) #14 /www/ Parser->replaceInternalLinks2('a whole lot of HTML output here', Object(Title), Object(ParserOptions), true, true, 10) #18 /www/ WikitextContent->getParserOutput(Object(Title), 10, Object(ParserOptions)) #19 /www/ PoolWorkArticleView->doWork() #20 /www/ PoolCounterWork->execute() #21 /www/ Article->view() #22 /www/ ViewAction->show() #23 /www/ MediaWiki->performAction(Object(Article), Object(Title)) #24 /www/ MediaWiki->performRequest() #25 /www/ MediaWiki->main() #26 /www/ MediaWiki->run() #27 {main}
Retitling bug based on issue. It seems kind of duh since PHP is acting as designed (we can't use fopen-type functions when allow_url_fopen is disabled). So what we should do is twofold: 1) ForeignApiRepo should detect this case and bail more gracefully (with appropriate debug logging of course) 2) We need to warn about the whole situation much better in the installer. Life without curl is miserable, so we should stress that installing it is a Good Thing. When it's not there though, we should at least prevent the installing admin from enabling instant commons since it's just shooting yourself in the foot. OverlordQ: For now either disable instant commons or enable allow_url_fopen.
Yeah, I just installed php5-curl, and as an aside, the DebugToolbar was missing because I'm using varnish and wgUseSquid is enabled which turns the debugtoolbar off. Makes sense in hindsight, but had to dig through code to find it out.