Last modified: 2013-10-09 14:17:16 UTC
the insert sites code has wikipedia specific code and populates the site_identifiers table correctly only for wikipedia sites.
For example, the site identifiers table should have an interwiki code of 'en' for enwikivoyage. so, si_type = 'interwiki' and si_key = 'en' The site_identifiers table has a unique key set for si_type and si_key, so it is unable to add the correct interwiki codes for non-wikipedias. Unless there is a good reason for this unique key, it should be removed so this table can be populated correctly. CREATE TABLE `site_identifiers` ( `si_site` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `si_type` varbinary(32) NOT NULL, `si_key` varbinary(32) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `site_ids_type` (`si_type`,`si_key`), KEY `site_ids_site` (`si_site`), KEY `site_ids_key` (`si_key`) )
the result of this bug is that non-wikipedia interwiki links display like "frwikivoyage:Paris" and do not render correctly.
Change 75334 had a related patch set uploaded by Aude: (bug 51876, hotfix) ensure interwiki links render correctly in sidebar
Change 75334 merged by jenkins-bot: (bug 51876, hotfix) ensure interwiki links render correctly in sidebar
Change 75355 had a related patch set uploaded by Aude: (bug 51876, hotfix) ensure interwiki links render correctly in sidebar
Change 75358 had a related patch set uploaded by Aude: (bug 51876, hotfix) ensure interwiki links render correctly in sidebar
Change 75358 merged by Aude: (bug 51876, hotfix) ensure interwiki links render correctly in sidebar
Change 75355 merged by Aude: (bug 51876, hotfix) ensure interwiki links render correctly in sidebar
Aude: Now that all patches are merged: Is there anything left to do here, or can this be closed as FIXED?
Change 84520 had a related patch set (by Aude) published: (bug 51876) handle populates sites table interwiki ids correctly
Change 84520 merged by jenkins-bot: (bug 51876) handle populates sites table interwiki ids correctly