Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:38:24 UTC
Hi!.. I was having a lot of trouble to setup two wiki project using a shared image folder. After testing, and thanks to the debug output, I noticed there are two SQL request for the image, the first one is to the table "en_image", and the seconds is to "image". It seems that $wgUseSharedUploads is working ok, but there is a very interesting diferente. The filename in the second query had the first letter capitalized. I was using $wgCapitalLinks=false. I think that the module that query for the image (I don't know which one), is not checking the $wgCapitalLinks in order to rewrite the query. The workaround that I found, is to leave $wgCapitalLinks as default (true), and upload the file again. My setup is: Both wiki is using database name, the first wiki (The main one) has no table prefix, and the second one has "en_" prefix. By the way, I think that I should be useful, that the upload have the option make the destination to the shared upload folder.
Addressed with the initialCapital setting for foreign repos. Marked as fixed.