Last modified: 2014-11-07 14:01:19 UTC
While git fetch is being run, if it loses its connection with the web server it'll write out a corrupted object and will refuse to run git fetch again until the corrupted object is restored. Fixing the objects is not a sane process, basically making the repo unusable. We should determine if python-dulwich is a viable replacement or we should fix git cli upstream.
I had a look at the git release notes between (used on Precise) and 1.8.4 and have not found anything obvious. Do you get a way to reproduce this reliably? I guess you want the issue reported upstream they might have some hints as to how to reproduce that.
The one person I could think of who would have addressed this already (Joey Hess, author of git-annex), hasn't. Booo.
Via google I found some behavior similar to ours. Tim didn't notice any http disconnects in the Apache logs, but the system was under very heavy load when this occurred.
There are two ways of addressing this: 1) making it so git fetch never fails (heh) 2) dealing with failures intelligently. For 2, we now have I propose that git-repair be integrated with trebuchet (obviously as a recommended addition, not a hard requirement, since it is Haskell). Reported upstream:
It looks like this is packaged, but not in precise. Needs a backport:
(In reply to Ryan Lane from comment #5) > It looks like this is packaged, but not in precise. Needs a backport: > As we're migrating to Trusty, this is probably less of a concern. What else is blocking this? (Is it still needed?)