Last modified: 2014-02-12 23:47:41 UTC
This page is available in 10 {{PLURAL:10|language|languages}} Last modified {{PLURAL:4|4 day|4 days}} ago
If this is in javascript, it's a dupe of bug 44459.
Fixed now so seems like an upstream bug. Thanks Legokrtm for pointing that out! *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 44459 ***
Seems to be showing it's face again in the latest deployment. Reopening as this actually seems like a problem our end mw.message('mobile-frontend-last-modified-hours',5).parse() returns correct value
This looks definitely like bug 44832, which in turn might be a duplicate of bug 44459 or bug 44525?
No longer happening in production. Tested during estimation, closing it out.