Last modified: 2012-11-27 19:34:10 UTC
The default timezone for all Wikivoyage wikis (e.g. it.voy) seems to be UTC. Please adjust it to use the same one used for the other Wikimedia projects in the same language (e.g. CET/CEST for Italian).
(In reply to comment #0) > The default timezone for all Wikivoyage wikis (e.g. it.voy) seems to be UTC. Same as it is for every other wiki.
(In reply to comment #1) > (In reply to comment #0) > > The default timezone for all Wikivoyage wikis (e.g. it.voy) seems to be UTC. > > Same as it is for every other wiki. You kidding? wgLocaltimezone has 169 lines.
(In reply to comment #2) > (In reply to comment #1) > > (In reply to comment #0) > > > The default timezone for all Wikivoyage wikis (e.g. it.voy) seems to be UTC. > > > > Same as it is for every other wiki. > > You kidding? wgLocaltimezone has 169 lines. insert "by default" in there somewhere
I offer to set the timezones as is: en. -> UTC de. -> Europe/Berlin it. -> Europe/Rome sv. -> Europe/Stockholm ru. -> Europe/Moscow nl. -> Europe/Amsterdam fr. -> Europe/Paris
Yes please.
Okay, I'm opening a section about that on each wiki.
After 2 weeks, I checked the discussion. The following wikis have confirmed my comment 4 table proposition: de. -> Europe/Berlin en. -> UTC it. -> Europe/Rome nl. -> Europe/Amsterdam ru. -> Europe/Moscow sv. -> Europe/Stockholm The French Wikivoyage hasn't confirmed it. One user prefers UTC, others don't participate to the discussion, so we'll keep statu quo (UTC). fr. -> UTC
Gerrit change #35330.
Deployed. I mark it as resolved fixed, and will open a new bug for fr.wikivoyage when the discussion evolves.