Last modified: 2010-05-15 14:35:47 UTC
Hi you all happy people, One more patch for the portuguese language file. A self-made summary of changes follows on the next comment. Thank you and my best regards,
Created attachment 1132 [details] LanguagePt.php unified patch (kristol) Added: - msg:badsig (sync language.php v1.736) - msg:metadata-help (sync language.php v1.741) - msg:metadata-expand (sync language.php v1.741) - msg:metadata-collapse (sync language.php v1.741) - msg:metadata-fields (sync language.php v1.741) - msg:exif-exposuretime-format (sync language.php v1.741) - msg:exif-fnumber-format (sync language.php v1.741) - msg:exif-focallength-format (sync language.php v1.741) - msg:privacy (sync language.php v1.742) - msg:privacypage (sync language.php v1.742) - msg:nologin (sync language.php v1.743) - msg:nologinlink (sync language.php v1.743) - msg:createaccount (sync language.php v1.743) - msg:gotaccount (sync language.php v1.743) - msg:gotaccountlink (sync language.php v1.743) - msg:ignorewarning (sync language.php v1.747) - msg:wrongpasswordempty (sync language.php v1.743) - msg:signupend (sync language.php v1.743) Translated: - msg:eauthentsent Changed: - msg:logouttext (sync language.php v1.743) - msg:session_fail_preview - msg:loginsuccess (sync language.php v1.743) - msg:nosuchuser (sync language.php v1.743) - msg:wrongpassword (sync language.php v1.743) - msg:loginend (sync language.php v1.743) - msg:mailmypassword - msg:passwordremindertitle - msg:passwordremindertext - msg:passwordsent Best regards,
patched in cvs