Last modified: 2013-07-25 07:06:03 UTC
Which language is supposed to be used on Special:CreateItem? The field labels are localized, but it's not quite clear in which language the values are supposed to be written. Is it supposed to be some common agreed language (like English) or the user's interface language? Given that the form is localized, the expected answer is "the user's interface language". If it's true, then the proper lang and dir attributes must be applied to the fields. If it's supposed to be English or some other language, which is not the same as the user's interface language, then it must be clearly stated in the form.
also Special:NewProperty
It is the user's interface language. So we need to apply lang and dir.
Patch for Special:CreateItem in . I'm not sure about Special:NewProperty - is it a separate page? I don't actually see it in Special:SpecialPages.
Merged, marking as fixed. If something like this happens in other special pages, please open another bug.
> I'm not sure about Special:NewProperty - is it a separate page? I don't > actually see it in Special:SpecialPages. It's not deployed yet, and probably won't be for a couple of weeks.
Change Ib47b716b: Add lang and dir to fields on Special:CreateItem
Verified in Wikidata demo sprint 25