Last modified: 2013-04-22 16:15:47 UTC
Use of sajax should be replaced by jQuery.ajax functionality extensions/SemanticForms/includes/SF_FormUtils.php 450:function FCK_sajax(func_name, args, target) { 451: sajax_request_type = 'POST' ; 452: sajax_do_call(func_name, args, function (x) { 716: sajax_request_type = 'POST' ; 718: sajax_do_call('wfSajaxWikiToHTML', [SRCtextarea.value], function ( result ){ 736: if (!oFCKeditor.ready) return false; //sajax_do_call in action 754: sajax_request_type = 'GET' ; 755: sajax_do_call( 'wfSajaxToggleFCKeditor', ['hide'], function(){} ) ; //remember closing in session extensions/SemanticForms/libs/SF_ajax_form_preview.js 43: var aj = sajax_init_object(); 44: var aj2 = sajax_init_object(); 70: // if (!oFCKeditor.ready) return false; //sajax_do_call in action - what do we do? extensions/SemanticForms/libs/SF_autoedit.js 35: sajax_request_type = 'POST'; 37: sajax_do_call( 'SFAutoeditAPI::handleAutoEdit', data, function( ajaxHeader ){ extensions/SemanticForms/libs/SF_submit.js 55: sajax_request_type = 'POST'; 58: sajax_do_call( 'SFAutoeditAPI::handleAutoEdit', new Array(collectData( form ), false), function( ajaxHeader ){
That would be great - I didn't even know that SF code still used sajax. The first two calls are from the code that handles FCKeditor/WYSIWYG, which I've wanted to get rid of anyway, because I'm pretty sure it's useless at this point, so this would be a good excuse to do it. The last two are from autoedit handling - Stephan, I assume you would take care of those?
As soon as I find the time, yes. Although if you want to have a go at it, go ahead. :)
I just removed all support for the FCKeditor extension in the SF code, which felt good - I think the overall code quality doubled. :) That removed the first chunk of sajax calls, and part of the 2nd - though three instances remain. I may able to look into that JS code, though right now all of it is a mystery to me.
Fixed in
(In reply to comment #4) > Fixed in This was merged on the 28th of November by Yaron Koren, but has made a new problem - see bug 42624.