Last modified: 2012-08-04 21:10:53 UTC
The purpose of this proposed Article Feedback Posts Log is to provide a central listing of all feedback posts that have not yet been monitored, from across the site. It will enable editors, monitor, oversighters and WMF staff to track an estimated 10,000 posts per day on a single page, which we hope will make it easier to patrol the feedback. (Note that this proposed log is for all unmonitored posts, making it different from the central '''activity''' log above, which only features actions taken by editors and monitors.) See our feature requirements page for the full specification for that features:
Note that we are now implementing the Central Feedback Page, not just the Central Log page described above. See our feature requirements page for the full specification for that new objective:
deprecated, closing.
reopened, closing the other one instead.
Committed and sent to gerrit:
Would it be possible to change the title to say "Central Feedback Page"? (instead of "Central Feedback Log").