Last modified: 2012-03-12 02:24:24 UTC
With debug features turned on, I get the message bellow on Spécial:GetData. Notice: Did not find alias for special page 'GetData'. Perhaps no aliases are defined for it? [Called from SpecialPage::getTitleFor in includes/SpecialPage.php at line 272] in includes/GlobalFunctions.php on line 3399. Core is branches/REL1_18 ED is trunk
Which extension is this?
Oups, sorry. It's for ExternalData.
What language is the wiki in?
It's in French. And oddly now it's a completely blank page while $wgDebugLogFile show a 'Request ended normally'.
Hi - that might mean that the bug is fixed, actually. Special:GetData, by default, shows a blank page - maybe that should be changed, but that's the current behavior.
Oupsy, my bad! The translator team (great work peoples) probably got around to do the alias in between. I think we can close this bug as fixed then!