Last modified: 2014-07-23 16:35:34 UTC
Lines starting with #, * or : disrupt GeSHi blocks if the enclose="none" option is deployed. An illustration of the bug can be seen at There, the first two lines inside the GeSHi block are Matlab comments, which start with #. Before the second line, however, the formatting and syntax highlight are disabled, and a numbered list item is displayed at the comment line. Inspection of the page source reveals the enclosing <span class="mw-geshi matlab source-matlab"> is prematurely closed before the second line. The problem only happens when enclose="none" is used.
Unassigning default assignments.
I added a simpler test case to In that page the <syntaxhighlight lang="matlab" enclose="none"> # foo # bar # baz </syntaxhighlight> is parsed to <p><span class="mw-geshi matlab source-matlab"># foo<br></span></p> <ol> <li><span class="mw-geshi matlab source-matlab"><span class="kw2">bar</span><br></span></li> <li>baz</li> </ol> and I suspect the brokenness of the first item ("# foo") is related to bug 12974. Someone with a better understanding of the Parser should check if this bug is a duplicate of that one.