Last modified: 2014-02-11 18:02:20 UTC
For more advanced search features related to uploaded files (bug 21061) and other potential extensions and such, we need to have a clean interface to expose additional text and data fields to the Lucene search indexer. This can be handled internally on the SearchEngine class and friends for the default MySQL search and friends since they're doing updates at save time within the search classes, but the Lucene system is indexing externally via dumps or OAI-PMH update pulls. We need to make sure we have a clean way to expose additional file text or metadata fields that we want indexed so we can roll these capabilities out to Wikimedia sites in the future.
Unassigning default assignments.
[Merging "MediaWiki extensions/Lucene Search" into "Wikimedia/lucene-search2", see bug 46542. You can filter bugmail for: search-component-merge-20130326 ]
I would still very much like to do this with CirrusSearch, repurposing to there.
We're already working on this for Cirrus. Marking cirrus-fixed.
We did this in Cirrus.