Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:33:51 UTC
When an IP address is autoblocked, the reason shows unlocalized (English) message even if $wgLanguageCode!='en' and the user's interface language is not 'en'. Got: Autoblocked because you share an IP address with "$1". Reason "$2". Wants (for example, ja): 投稿ブロックされているユーザー"$1"と同じIPアドレスのため、自動的にブロックされています。ブ ロックの理由は"$2"です。
You can change that via [[MediaWiki::Autoblocker]]
Make that [[MediaWiki:Autoblocker]].
[[ja:MediaWiki:Autoblocker]] is correctly localized.
Re #3, do you mean it is correctly localized but not displayed as expected?