Last modified: 2010-05-15 16:03:00 UTC
There are some unused messages (previously used in includes/SpecialImagelist.php): * getimagelist, ilsubmit, showlast, byname, bydate, bysize which were removed (r16032) in SpecialImagelist.php, but not in MessagesEn.php. So please remove these messages from MessagesEn.php and I also think following messages (in section of page history messages) are unused, but I couldn't confirm it: * orig, loadhist, next
Found following usages: SpecialMIMEsearch.php: Xml::submitButton( wfMsg( 'ilsubmit' ) ) . SpecialNewimages.php: $sub = wfMsg( 'ilsubmit' ); SpecialNewimages.php: $bydate = wfMsg( 'bydate' ); But getimagelist, showlast, byname, bysize and orig, loadhist, next seem to be unused.
'getimagelist', 'showlast', 'byname', 'bysize', 'imgdelete' removed with r32137 'orig', 'loadhist' removed with r32211