Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:33:05 UTC

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Bug 1132 - RefreshLinks.php gives unusual results
RefreshLinks.php gives unusual results
Product: MediaWiki
Classification: Unclassified
General/Unknown (Other open bugs)
Other Linux
: High normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
Depends on:
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Reported: 2004-12-19 08:53 UTC by Netoholic
Modified: 2010-05-15 15:33 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description Netoholic 2004-12-19 08:53:31 UTC
I have a small test wiki running the latest beta, which has about 6 articles in it (and a few 
images, redirects, etc.).

When I run maintenance/RefreshLinks.php, the links tables fill up with entries, and the wiki shows 
some incorrect results.  [[Special:Wanted pages]] shows several MediaWiki: system messages at the 
top.  Almost every article's [[Special:Whatlinkshere]] shows unrelated articles/images/etc. -and 
even redirects- pointing to it.

It almost looks as though links are being searched recursively to populate the links tables. For 
example, [[A]] redirects to [[B]] which links to [[C]], so [[Special:Whatlinkshere/C]] shows a 
direct link from [[A]]>[[C]] which doesn't exist in reality.
Comment 1 Alain B 2004-12-22 16:21:50 UTC
The refreshLinks seems to be totally BROKEN: 
- it is slow because of ugly evilly written inneficient SQL request, 
which breaks both sql server and php host with those EVIL arrays ! 
crazy ! Im trying to rewrite all that stuff from scratch, but it take 
some time. 
- I suspect we also do html rendering , not only parse. 
- the code is very badly written , nearly impossible to understand, 
working on global variables in functions that hide completely the job, 
and the flow of operations. This coding style is good only for 
php-accelerators, not for human. (sorry i m hungry, because of hours 
spends in the code) 
Comment 2 Brion Vibber 2004-12-22 23:48:17 UTC
Be sure to insult our mothers, too. ;)
Comment 3 Brion Vibber 2005-01-15 07:08:40 UTC
The new global $wgLinkHolders was not being cleared between runs; in prior versions this 
intermediate link data holding structure did not exist.


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