Last modified: 2007-08-24 08:05:14 UTC
This is a minor update to MessagesFa.php file. And please let me know it is prefered to submit such patches on separate (new) bugs, or use a single bug to send them on all occasions.
Created attachment 3842 [details] relevant patch file
Applied with r23545. Please note, you are adding always a BOM ( ) with your patches. This is evil! You can use this bug for more patches. Reopen it after adding a new attachment.
Raimond, is this BOM added to the beginning of the file? How can I avoid that then? (I'm using Notepad as my editor, does it have anything to do with that problem?)
Created attachment 3845 [details] All-messages translation I created a new patch for a new message being translated. I found that a BOM is added just before the <?php and removed it by hand this time. Let me know if this patch works without errors.
Actually, I found out this is a notepad problem. For future reference:
(In reply to comment #4) > Created an attachment (id=3845) [details] > All-messages translation This is still the English text... Where is the translation?
Created attachment 3864 [details] Translated the message Pity. I must have made a mistake in choosing which file to upload. I have now attached a new patch file.
Applied with r23646.
Created attachment 3887 [details] Watchlist messages and more Attached, please find the translated messages for watchlist pages, and more.
Applied with r24018. Please note: 'watchlistedit-clear-confirm' was an empty string, I have removed this line from the patch. Please try to add the missing variables with your next patch too: 20 messages of 1600 in fa don't use some variables while en uses them: * pagecategories * noconnect * cascadeprotected * passwordremindertext * blockedtext * whitelistedittext * copyrightwarning * cascadeprotectedwarning * revdelete-selected * logdelete-selected * logdelete-logaction * noexactmatch * rcnote * sitestatstext * userstatstext * exbeforeblank * protect-cascadeon * whatlinkshere-prev * whatlinkshere-next * confirmemail_sendfailed Thanks a lot for your work!
Created attachment 3892 [details] Containst the missing watchlistedit seris message Please find the messing translation of watchlistedit, in this new patch.
For record, as I have discussed with Raimond on the #mediawiki IRC, some of the messages which use the {{plural variable in the English messages file, are always singular words in Persian (due to grammatic differences) and wouldn't need the use of a variable in the Fa messages file. However, I will recheck them, and also try my best to translate {{plural to Persian.
I think that is the plural word is the same as the sigular word, we can make the message by "{{PLURAL:$1|text|text}}". To let the checker know the variable $1 is used, and not showing that there's having the problem in the messages.
Created attachment 3894 [details] Missing variables fiexed In this patch, I fixed all those messages which were missing variables. I added PLURAL in some places as well. In some cases, the message is the same with a singular or a plural variable value, but I added the PLURAL to keep the checkLanguage results clean.
All patches applied with r24039.
For your information: 52 messages of 1645 are not translated to fa, but exist in en: * yourvariant * exif-bitspersample * exif-samplesperpixel * exif-ycbcrsubsampling * exif-ycbcrpositioning * exif-stripoffsets * exif-rowsperstrip * exif-stripbytecounts * exif-jpeginterchangeformat * exif-transferfunction * exif-whitepoint * exif-primarychromaticities * exif-ycbcrcoefficients * exif-referenceblackwhite * exif-flashpixversion * exif-subsectimeoriginal * exif-subsectimedigitized * exif-exposuretime-format * exif-exposurebiasvalue * exif-maxaperturevalue * exif-subjectarea * exif-spatialfrequencyresponse * exif-exposureindex * exif-cfapattern * exif-whitebalance * exif-gaincontrol * exif-gpsmapdatum * exif-gpsprocessingmethod * exif-planarconfiguration-1 * exif-planarconfiguration-2 * exif-exposureprogram-5 * exif-exposureprogram-6 * exif-lightsource-12 * exif-lightsource-13 * exif-lightsource-14 * exif-lightsource-15 * exif-lightsource-17 * exif-lightsource-18 * exif-lightsource-19 * exif-lightsource-24 * exif-exposuremode-2 * exif-whitebalance-0 * exif-whitebalance-1 * exif-gaincontrol-1 * exif-gaincontrol-2 * exif-gaincontrol-3 * exif-gaincontrol-4 * exif-gpsstatus-v * trackbackbox * trackbackremove * trackbacklink * trackbackdeleteok
Com'on! I do checkLangauge every now and then myself! But I really need some time to discuss with my contacts about the best translation for some of these jargons like "Plantar Configuration" or "TrackBack" ... :)
Created attachment 3989 [details] Translation of several new messages I have again translated several new messages, and removed the depricated ones. You need to perform rebuildLanguage too.
Applied with r25113.