Last modified: 2014-08-05 07:08:50 UTC
Problematic for a quick script that intends to check how many images are unused. 499 images are listed on this page, and others have viewed the URL to the same results. All prior pages are 500, and several after have 500.
I put the url in the url field above, but just to make it clear...
Tested the deletion of an image in that range... page showed 499 images again after an image in the displayed range was deleted. Deleted image was not displayed. shows no results for me (same for cs and de). Do I need special rights for this? :-/
I think the algorithm should always be to add the number of images fetched to the offset and retry the API query until it returns 0 images, not to rely on the limit being matched exactly. As comment 2 is hinting, concurrent deletes can cause underfull replies.