Last modified: 2008-09-01 20:34:48 UTC

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Bug 12530 - $wgAllowExternalImagesFrom is to limiting, extend it to allow multiple domains
$wgAllowExternalImagesFrom is to limiting, extend it to allow multiple domains
Product: MediaWiki
Classification: Unclassified
File management (Other open bugs)
All All
: Normal enhancement (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
: easy, patch, patch-need-review
Depends on:
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Reported: 2008-01-06 13:51 UTC by Daniel Friesen
Modified: 2008-09-01 20:34 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---

Patch to MediaWiki 1.12 (r29322) which adds a wgAllowExternalImagesFromRegex variable. (5.47 KB, patch)
2008-01-06 13:51 UTC, Daniel Friesen

Description Daniel Friesen 2008-01-06 13:51:27 UTC
Created attachment 4516 [details]
Patch to MediaWiki 1.12 (r29322) which adds a wgAllowExternalImagesFromRegex variable.

We have the variable $wgAllowExernalImages to let us disable spam through externally embedded images.

And we have $wgAllowExternalImagesFrom to then allow a single start of a url to be whitelisted.

But that isn't enough.

For examples:

Say we had our wiki:
And our images were at:

If we were to say set:
$wgAllowExernalImages = false;
$wgAllowExernalImagesFrom = '';

Then we can let people external embed using something like

However, if they tried to use say; it wouldn't be allowed.

As for another example. Perhaps we might want to allow image hosting services, but wouldn't want to hotlink from non-hosting services. Unfortunately, we can only whitelist one url, and hosting services use more than one url starting.

So we need a better way to allow whitelisting image embeds. Either though an array or through Regex.
The attachment I have here is a patch to MediaWiki 1.12 (r29322), it allows the use of image whitelisting through the variable $wgAllowExternalImagesFromRegex. Didn't test it, but it's the simple sort of thing you just know works. Feel free to test it before applying.
Comment 1 Ryan Schmidt 2008-09-01 20:34:48 UTC
Fixed in r40310

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