Last modified: 2007-12-01 02:45:28 UTC
Created attachment 3553 [details] Update
Applied with r21741.
Created attachment 3613 [details] Update
Applied with r22061.
Created attachment 3681 [details] Update Update
Applied with r22509.
Created attachment 3786 [details] Update
Applied with r23060.
Created attachment 3877 [details] Update
Applied with r23891.
For your information: 106 messages of 1645 are not translated to pl, but exist in en: * tagline * namespaceprotected * badsiglength * autoblockedtext * token_suffix_mismatch * recreate-deleted-warn * rev-deleted-event * logdelete-selected * revdelete-hide-name * revdelete-suppress * revdelete-hide-image * revdelete-unsuppress * logdelete-logentry * revdelete-logaction * logdelete-logaction * revdelete-success * logdelete-success * oversightlog * overlogpagetext * stub-threshold * userrights-available-none * userrights-available-add * userrights-available-remove * minlength1 * uncategorizedtemplates * mostlinkedtemplates * all-logs-page * allpages-bad-ns * enotif_impersonal_salutation * enotif_lastdiff * enotif_anon_editor * rollback-success * modifiedarticleprotection * undeleterevdel * month * year * whatlinkshere-links * ipbemailban * ipb-edit-dropdown * unblocked-id * emailblock * ipblocklist-empty * ipblocklist-no-results * block-log-flags-noemail * movepage-moved * tooltip-t-print * tooltip-t-permalink * patrol-log-line * exif-bitspersample * exif-photometricinterpretation * exif-samplesperpixel * exif-ycbcrsubsampling * exif-ycbcrpositioning * exif-stripoffsets * exif-rowsperstrip * exif-stripbytecounts * exif-transferfunction * exif-primarychromaticities * exif-referenceblackwhite * exif-pixelydimension * exif-pixelxdimension * exif-subsectime * exif-subsectimeoriginal * exif-subsectimedigitized * exif-spectralsensitivity * exif-isospeedratings * exif-spatialfrequencyresponse * exif-gpsmapdatum * exif-gpsdestlatituderef * exif-gpsdestlongituderef * exif-gpsdestbearingref * exif-gpsdestbearing * exif-gpsdestdistanceref * exif-gpsdifferential * exif-sensingmethod-2 * exif-sensingmethod-3 * exif-sensingmethod-4 * exif-sensingmethod-5 * exif-sensingmethod-8 * monthsall * lag-warn-normal * lag-warn-high * watchlistedit-numitems * watchlistedit-noitems * watchlistedit-clear-title * watchlistedit-clear-legend * watchlistedit-clear-confirm * watchlistedit-clear-submit * watchlistedit-clear-done * watchlistedit-normal-title * watchlistedit-normal-legend * watchlistedit-normal-explain * watchlistedit-normal-submit * watchlistedit-normal-done * watchlistedit-raw-title * watchlistedit-raw-legend * watchlistedit-raw-explain * watchlistedit-raw-titles * watchlistedit-raw-submit * watchlistedit-raw-done * watchlistedit-raw-added * watchlistedit-raw-removed * watchlisttools-view * watchlisttools-edit * watchlisttools-raw * watchlisttools-clear 13 messages of 1551 do not exist in en (or are in the ignored list), but still e xist in pl: * minlength * fileuploaded * clearwatchlist * watchlistcleartext * watchlistclearbutton * watchlistcleardone * removechecked * watcheditlist * removingchecked * couldntremove * wldone * pagemovedtext * displaytitle 5 messages of 1551 in pl don't use some variables while en uses them: * cascadeprotected * blockedtext * revdelete-selected * protect-cascadeon * blocklogentry C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\mediawiki_svn\maint enance\language>php checkLanguage.php --lang=lt 4 messages of 1645 are not translated to lt, but exist in en: * watchlisttools-view * watchlisttools-edit * watchlisttools-raw * watchlisttools-clear 1 messages of 1644 do not exist in en (or are in the ignored list), but still ex ist in lt: * fileuploaded
Created attachment 3978 [details] Update
Applied with r24672.
Created attachment 4061 [details] Update
Applied with r25321.
Created attachment 4223 [details] Update
Applied with r26497.
Created attachment 4320 [details] Update
Applied with r27367.
Created attachment 4398 [details] Update
Applied with r28002.