Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:28:11 UTC
I can not install MediaWiki. This is what I get: MediaWiki 1.3.8 installation Please include all of the lines below when reporting installation problems. Checking environment... * PHP 4.3.6: ok * PHP server API is apache2handler; ok, using pretty URLs (index.php/Page_Title) * Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support. * PHP's memory_limit is 24M. If this is too low, installation may fail! * Have zlib support; enabling output compression. * Found GD graphics library built-in, image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads. * Installation directory: /home/acmusers/lug/.html/wiki * Script URI path: /~lug/wiki Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class phptal_context in /home/acmusers/lug/.html/wiki/PHPTAL-NP-0.7.0/libs/PHPTAL/Context.php on line 66
Database access is limited. Database is named 'lug', username is also 'lug', using some password. Can not create new databases with username given.
Please test with 1.4beta.
Created attachment 153 [details] Modified Context.php, fixing minor bug
I fixed it myself, in Context.php, I merely used class_exists and function__exists to check if these classes were already defined. If they were, then they aren't defined. if (!(class_exists('PHPTAL_ObjectResolver'))) { class PHPTAL_ObjectResolver { --- return $value; } } } --- if (!(class_exists('PHPTAL_ArrayResolver'))) { class PHPTAL_ArrayResolver { --- return PHPTAL_resolve($next, $temp, $array); } } } } --- if (!(class_exists('PHPTAL_StringResolver'))) { class PHPTAL_StringResolver { --- $err = new NameError("string type has no method named '$first'"); return $err; } }; } --- if (!(function_exists('PHPTAL_resolve'))) { function &PHPTAL_resolve($path, &$value, &$parent) { --- return $err; } } -- if (!(function_exists('PHPTAL_path_explode'))) { function PHPTAL_path_explode($path) { if (preg_match('|^(.*?)\/(.*?)$|', $path, $match)) { array_shift($match); return $match; --- return array($path, false); } }