Last modified: 2007-07-12 17:24:23 UTC
New messages were translated and old ones updated. However, there are still some EXIF messages that are not translated. The new file was rebuild with maintenance/language/rebuildLanguage.php. For the patch generation was used SVN revision 21164.
Created attachment 3434 [details] For patch generation was used SVN revision 21164
Thank you for your patch, applied with r21168. I have removed the empty xxx-summary messages. Furthermore the messages 'oversightlog', 'feed-atom', 'feed-rss' because they are still in english. I was unsure about 'booksources-isbn', 'isbn', 'size-bytes', 'size-kilobytes', 'size-megabytes' and 'size-gigabytes'. Not deleted but I wonder if there exists/they need translation.
Thank you for the fast response! 'booksources-isbn' and 'isbn' do not need further translation. I have removed them actually but then I saw that they were marked as "must translate" so I took them back. The 'size-X' messages do not need translation either because they use standard (defined in a standard) symbol with a SI prefix.
> The 'size-X' messages do not need translation either because they use standard > (defined in a standard) symbol with a SI prefix. They aren't SI prefixes, to be exact.
FYI, there's some issues with these items below, using the checkLanguage.php file. 11 messages of 1630 are not translated to bg, but exist in en: * oversightlog * userrights-reason * randomredirect-nopages * randompage-nopages * ipbreason-dropdown * ipb-edit-dropdown * block-log-flags-noautoblock * djvu_page_error * djvu_no_xml * thumbnail_invalid_params * thumbnail_dest_directory 2 messages of 1620 are not exist in en (or are in the ignored list), but still e xist in bg: * ipbreason-list * block-log-flags-autoblock 3 messages of 1620 in bg don't use some variables while en uses them: * cascadeprotected * cascadeprotectedwarning * protect-cascadeon
For your information: 103 messages of 1645 are not translated to bg, but exist in en: * namespaceprotected * rollback-success * exif-photometricinterpretation * exif-samplesperpixel * exif-ycbcrsubsampling * exif-ycbcrpositioning * exif-resolutionunit * exif-stripoffsets * exif-rowsperstrip * exif-stripbytecounts * exif-jpeginterchangeformat * exif-jpeginterchangeformatlength * exif-transferfunction * exif-whitepoint * exif-primarychromaticities * exif-ycbcrcoefficients * exif-referenceblackwhite * exif-componentsconfiguration * exif-relatedsoundfile * exif-datetimedigitized * exif-subsectime * exif-subsectimeoriginal * exif-subsectimedigitized * exif-oecf * exif-maxaperturevalue * exif-subjectarea * exif-spatialfrequencyresponse * exif-subjectlocation * exif-scenecapturetype * exif-gaincontrol * exif-subjectdistancerange * exif-gpsversionid * exif-gpsaltituderef * exif-gpssatellites * exif-gpsstatus * exif-gpstrackref * exif-gpsimgdirectionref * exif-gpsimgdirection * exif-gpsmapdatum * exif-gpsdestlatituderef * exif-gpsdestlatitude * exif-gpsdestlongituderef * exif-gpsdestlongitude * exif-gpsdestbearingref * exif-gpsdestbearing * exif-gpsdestdistanceref * exif-gpsdestdistance * exif-gpsprocessingmethod * exif-gpsareainformation * exif-exposureprogram-5 * exif-exposureprogram-6 * exif-meteringmode-0 * exif-meteringmode-1 * exif-meteringmode-2 * exif-meteringmode-3 * exif-meteringmode-4 * exif-meteringmode-5 * exif-meteringmode-6 * exif-meteringmode-255 * exif-lightsource-12 * exif-lightsource-13 * exif-lightsource-14 * exif-lightsource-15 * exif-lightsource-17 * exif-lightsource-18 * exif-lightsource-19 * exif-sensingmethod-1 * exif-sensingmethod-2 * exif-sensingmethod-3 * exif-sensingmethod-4 * exif-sensingmethod-5 * exif-sensingmethod-7 * exif-sensingmethod-8 * exif-scenetype-1 * exif-exposuremode-2 * exif-gpsstatus-a * exif-gpsstatus-v * exif-gpsmeasuremode-2 * exif-gpsmeasuremode-3 * watchlistedit-numitems * watchlistedit-noitems * watchlistedit-clear-title * watchlistedit-clear-legend * watchlistedit-clear-confirm * watchlistedit-clear-submit * watchlistedit-clear-done * watchlistedit-normal-title * watchlistedit-normal-legend * watchlistedit-normal-explain * watchlistedit-normal-submit * watchlistedit-normal-done * watchlistedit-raw-title * watchlistedit-raw-legend * watchlistedit-raw-explain * watchlistedit-raw-titles * watchlistedit-raw-submit * watchlistedit-raw-done * watchlistedit-raw-added * watchlistedit-raw-removed * watchlisttools-view * watchlisttools-edit * watchlisttools-raw * watchlisttools-clear 10 messages of 1544 do not exist in en (or are in the ignored list), but still e xist in bg: * fileuploaded * clearwatchlist * watchlistcleartext * watchlistclearbutton * watchlistcleardone * removechecked * watcheditlist * removingchecked * couldntremove * wldone