Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:48:28 UTC
hi ... when I resize images like [[image:learn.jpg|300px]] it doesn't show any image (thumbs) and doesn't give me any error ...just an empty rectangle of the thumb size (300px) with X sign at the top left of that empty rectangle !!! .... I tried something I found in one of the forums, to commented these lines (in \wiki\includes\Image.php): #$cmd = $wgCustomConvertCommand; #$cmd = str_replace( '%s', $src, str_replace( '%d', $dst, $cmd ) ); # Filenames #$cmd = str_replace( '%h', $height, str_replace( '%w', $width, $cmd ) ); # Size And instead add this : $cmd = $wgImageMagickConvertCommand . " -quality 85 -background white -geometry {$width} ". ($this->imagePath) . " " . ($thumbPath); It works with them but didn't work with me!!! * I'm sure that the converter works because when I opened the image/thumb directory I found thumbs with the sizes I've tried on. * I gave permission for both the IUSR_* and IWAM_* on both the Image directory and the whole directory that contains the the "convert" .... waiting for your help regards,
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