Last modified: 2007-07-12 17:27:11 UTC
Completely rewritten MessagesUk.php and new file LanguageUk.php. This changes was tested with MediaWiki 1.9.1 on FedoraCore 5.
Created attachment 3279 [details] new file LanguageUk.php
Created attachment 3280 [details] MessagesUk.php - Messages translated into Ukrainian
* Changes need to be against current trunk, not a release version * When changing an existing file, please submit a unified diff against the current version, not a whole new file
Based on above attachments patches created and applied with r20090 Reformated with rebuildLanguage.php, some extension messages moved to their i18n files. booksourcetext, fileinfo, protectedtext, showbigimage and undeleterevision are outdated (replaced in trunk with other messages) and have to be translated and submitted with your next patch. As Rob said in comment #3 please provide unified diff againt current trunk in the future. Thank you.
For your information: 229 messages of 1645 are not translated to uk, but exist in en: * tog-diffonly * protect_change * talkpagelinktext * policy-url * querypage-no-updates * protectedpagetext * namespaceprotected * badsiglength * autoblockedtext * nosuchsectiontitle * nosuchsectiontext * token_suffix_mismatch * template-protected * template-semiprotected * recreate-deleted-warn * page_first * page_last * historysize * historyempty * rev-deleted-event * logdelete-selected * revdelete-hide-name * revdelete-suppress * revdelete-hide-image * revdelete-unsuppress * logdelete-logentry * revdelete-logaction * logdelete-logaction * revdelete-success * logdelete-success * oversightlog * overlogpagetext * stub-threshold * recentchangesdays * userrights-reason * userrights-available-none * userrights-available-add * userrights-available-remove * nchanges * recentchanges-feed-description * recentchangeslinked-noresult * recentchangeslinked-summary * minlength1 * filetype-badmime * filetype-badtype * filetype-missing * fileexists-extension * fileexists-thumb * fileexists-thumbnail-yes * file-thumbnail-no * mimesearch-summary * randomredirect-nopages * disambiguations-text * withoutinterwiki * withoutinterwiki-header * fewestrevisions * specialpage-empty * uncategorizedtemplates * mostlinkedtemplates * randompage-nopages * protectedpages * protectedpagestext * protectedpagesempty * all-logs-page * log-search-legend * log-search-submit * log-title-wildcard * allpages-bad-ns * listusers-submit * listusers-noresult * enotif_impersonal_salutation * enotif_lastdiff * enotif_anon_editor * rollback-success * modifiedarticleprotection * protectexpiry * protect_expiry_invalid * protect_expiry_old * protect-locked-blocked * protect-locked-dblock * protect-locked-access * protect-cascadeon * protect-summary-cascade * protect-expiring * protect-cascade * restriction-type * restriction-level * minimum-size * maximum-size * pagesize * restriction-level-sysop * restriction-level-autoconfirmed * restriction-level-all * undeleterevdel * undelete-revision * undelete-header * undelete-search-box * undelete-search-prefix * undelete-search-submit * undelete-no-results * month * year * sp-contributions-newbies * sp-contributions-search * sp-contributions-username * sp-contributions-submit * nolinkshere-ns * whatlinkshere-prev * whatlinkshere-next * whatlinkshere-links * ipbreasonotherlist * ipbreason-dropdown * ipbemailban * ipbotherreason * ipbhidename * ipb-edit-dropdown * ipb-unblock-addr * ipb-unblock * ipb-blocklist-addr * ipb-blocklist * unblocked-id * ipblocklist-submit * emailblock * ipblocklist-empty * ipblocklist-no-results * block-log-flags-nocreate * block-log-flags-noautoblock * block-log-flags-noemail * sorbs * movepage-moved * export-addcattext * export-addcat * djvu_page_error * djvu_no_xml * thumbnail_invalid_params * thumbnail_dest_directory * tooltip-pt-userpage * tooltip-pt-anonuserpage * tooltip-pt-mytalk * tooltip-pt-anontalk * tooltip-pt-preferences * tooltip-pt-watchlist * tooltip-pt-mycontris * tooltip-pt-login * tooltip-pt-anonlogin * tooltip-pt-logout * tooltip-ca-talk * tooltip-ca-edit * tooltip-ca-addsection * tooltip-ca-viewsource * tooltip-ca-history * tooltip-ca-protect * tooltip-ca-delete * tooltip-ca-undelete * tooltip-ca-move * tooltip-ca-watch * tooltip-ca-unwatch * tooltip-p-logo * tooltip-n-mainpage * tooltip-n-portal * tooltip-n-currentevents * tooltip-n-recentchanges * tooltip-n-randompage * tooltip-n-help * tooltip-n-sitesupport * tooltip-t-whatlinkshere * tooltip-t-recentchangeslinked * tooltip-feed-rss * tooltip-feed-atom * tooltip-t-contributions * tooltip-t-emailuser * tooltip-t-upload * tooltip-t-specialpages * tooltip-t-print * tooltip-t-permalink * tooltip-ca-nstab-main * tooltip-ca-nstab-user * tooltip-ca-nstab-media * tooltip-ca-nstab-special * tooltip-ca-nstab-project * tooltip-ca-nstab-image * tooltip-ca-nstab-mediawiki * tooltip-ca-nstab-template * tooltip-ca-nstab-help * tooltip-ca-nstab-category * monobook.js * patrol-log-page * patrol-log-line * patrol-log-auto * patrol-log-diff * file-info * file-info-size * file-nohires * file-svg * show-big-image * show-big-image-thumb * exif-unknowndate * monthsall * imgmultiparseerror * livepreview-loading * livepreview-ready * livepreview-failed * livepreview-error * lag-warn-normal * lag-warn-high * watchlistedit-numitems * watchlistedit-noitems * watchlistedit-clear-title * watchlistedit-clear-legend * watchlistedit-clear-confirm * watchlistedit-clear-submit * watchlistedit-clear-done * watchlistedit-normal-title * watchlistedit-normal-legend * watchlistedit-normal-explain * watchlistedit-normal-submit * watchlistedit-normal-done * watchlistedit-raw-title * watchlistedit-raw-legend * watchlistedit-raw-explain * watchlistedit-raw-titles * watchlistedit-raw-submit * watchlistedit-raw-done * watchlistedit-raw-added * watchlistedit-raw-removed * watchlisttools-view * watchlisttools-edit * watchlisttools-raw * watchlisttools-clear 13 messages of 1423 do not exist in en (or are in the ignored list), but still e xist in uk: * minlength * fileuploaded * clearwatchlist * watchlistcleartext * watchlistclearbutton * watchlistcleardone * removechecked * watcheditlist * removingchecked * couldntremove * wldone * pagemovedtext * displaytitle 7 messages of 1423 in uk don't use some variables while en uses them: * cascadeprotected * passwordremindertext * blockedtext * cascadeprotectedwarning * revdelete-selected * revertpage * blocklogentry