Last modified: 2007-03-04 20:17:49 UTC
If you have your pages using the template with "{{ TemplateName ..." it is not evaluated, as there is a blank between the brackets and the templatename. Example is set up on dpl-webpage.
Already found a solution: <pre> #DynamicPageList2Include.php function wfDplLstIncludeTemplate($parser, $page='', $template1='', $template2='') { $text = $parser->fetchTemplate(Title::newFromText($page)); + do + $text = str_replace('{{ ', '{{', $text, $tc); + while ($tc > 0); if ( preg_match( "/\{\{".$template1."/im", $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) ) { </pre>
Looks like DPL2 isn't parsing the templates right.
Fixed with 0.9.8