Last modified: 2008-08-01 05:12:48 UTC
Gentlemen, the challenge: how do I make a link to where the D's start in Special:Categories? Currently is right, but it changes day to day. "Sure, just use [[Special:Allpages/Category:D]], and you won't even need to use {{fullurl}}" you say. However that would only work if each category page had a body. None do, so they won't be in Allpages. Does SpecialCategories.php need to take some lessons from SpecialAllpages.php about allowing fancier arguments? RC> I'll tell you what; Special:Categories can start taking lessons from RC> Special:Allpages when the bug report is filed in the right place. OK. This bug is it. Thanks.
Alphabetical offsets for Special:Categories are now possible (since r19758, I think).
OK, thanks. Now what remains is to enhance Special:Categories, so one wouldn't need to use {{fullurl}} to make Special:Categories&offset=Nordsburg but instead just use Special:Categories/Nordsburg like Special:Allpages. Indeed Allpages, IndexPrefix, and Categories should be harmonized... Yes there is an API, but I'm focusing on the regular user. Currently the /ARGUMENT is ignored.
Subpage syntax for Special:Categories works. Done by Brion in r35065 and r36111