Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:33:47 UTC
[[test:Special:UnicodeConverter]] is a great feature. I am happy that some people know about this. At some point validators for people less skilled would be helpfull. Such validators could be: - Unicode (implemented standard) - UTF-8 - valid pages names (two versions UTF-8 and Unicode) - page code (Parser verification see bug 885) Other possible candidates: - loops between redirects (bug 850 ?) - loops between categories bug 875 (graph validation) - recursion validation of templates bug 95 - ... I assume that modules for that code would be available anyway. Regards Reinhardt P.S. While testing I inserted <nowiki>𘇍𕙦𒫿リ퐱꣊</nowiki> at Special:UnicodeConverter. I know that it is not intended to do such things. But it is worth to make such a test at some point.
This seems to ask general questions about a lot of unrelated things. Please split it up into individual, dinstinct ('actionable') issues.