Last modified: 2007-04-30 17:23:07 UTC
Updated the Polish localisation (pl). Please apply to trunk.
Created attachment 3069 [details] MessagesPl.php patch - translated new messages - minor fixes
Applied to r19251. Thanks for the patch.
Created attachment 3070 [details] Possible improvements for the translation Attached are possible improvements for the translation (messages to be added, removed, etc.), created by an automated script.
FYI, there some issues on the following items in the messages file, by checkLanguage.php file. 131 messages of 1630 are not translated to pl, but exist in en: * tagline * protect_change * talkpagelinktext * nosuchsectiontitle * nosuchsectiontext * page_first * page_last * historysize * historyempty * rev-deleted-event * logdelete-selected * revdelete-hide-name * revdelete-suppress * revdelete-hide-image * revdelete-unsuppress * logdelete-logentry * revdelete-logaction * logdelete-logaction * revdelete-success * logdelete-success * oversightlog * overlogpagetext * recentchangesdays * userrights-reason * nchanges * recentchangeslinked-noresult * filetype-badmime * filetype-badtype * filetype-missing * fileexists-extension * fileexists-thumb * fileexists-thumbnail-yes * file-thumbnail-no * mimesearch-summary * randomredirect-nopages * withoutinterwiki * withoutinterwiki-header * fewestrevisions * specialpage-empty * randompage-nopages * protectedpages * protectedpagestext * protectedpagesempty * log-search-legend * log-search-submit * log-title-wildcard * listusers-submit * listusers-noresult * policy-url * protectexpiry * protect_expiry_invalid * protect_expiry_old * protect-locked-blocked * protect-locked-dblock * protect-locked-access * protect-expiring * restriction-type * restriction-level * minimum-size * restriction-level-sysop * restriction-level-autoconfirmed * restriction-level-all * undeleterevdel * undelete-header * undelete-search-box * undelete-search-prefix * undelete-search-submit * undelete-no-results * sp-contributions-newbies * sp-contributions-search * sp-contributions-username * sp-contributions-submit * nolinkshere-ns * whatlinkshere-prev * whatlinkshere-next * ipbreasonotherlist * ipbreason-dropdown * ipbotherreason * ipbhidename * ipb-edit-dropdown * ipblocklist-submit * block-log-flags-noautoblock * export-addcattext * export-addcat * djvu_page_error * djvu_no_xml * thumbnail_invalid_params * thumbnail_dest_directory * patrol-log-line * file-info * file-info-size * file-nohires * file-svg * show-big-image * show-big-image-thumb * exif-bitspersample * exif-photometricinterpretation * exif-samplesperpixel * exif-ycbcrsubsampling * exif-ycbcrpositioning * exif-stripoffsets * exif-rowsperstrip * exif-stripbytecounts * exif-transferfunction * exif-primarychromaticities * exif-referenceblackwhite * exif-pixelydimension * exif-pixelxdimension * exif-subsectime * exif-subsectimeoriginal * exif-subsectimedigitized * exif-spectralsensitivity * exif-isospeedratings * exif-spatialfrequencyresponse * exif-gpsmapdatum * exif-gpsdestlatituderef * exif-gpsdestlongituderef * exif-gpsdestbearingref * exif-gpsdestbearing * exif-gpsdestdistanceref * exif-gpsdifferential * exif-sensingmethod-2 * exif-sensingmethod-3 * exif-sensingmethod-4 * exif-sensingmethod-5 * exif-sensingmethod-8 * imgmultiparseerror * livepreview-loading * livepreview-ready * livepreview-failed * livepreview-error 8 messages of 1512 are not exist in en (or are in the ignored list), but still e xist in pl: * changes * badfiletype * protect-viewtext * undeletearticle * newbies * block-log-flags-autoblock * showbigimage * fileinfo 5 messages of 1512 in pl don't use some variables while en uses them: * cascadeprotected * cascadeprotectedwarning * revdelete-selected * protect-cascadeon * blocklogentry