Last modified: 2007-02-09 16:37:02 UTC
Please create the following namespace at pl.wikipedia: Projekt Dyskusja_projektu (the Projekt talk namespace) This namespace will be used for [[Wikipedia:WikiProject]]. The discussion and vote are at [[pl:Wikipedia:Głosowania/Przestrzeń nazw Projekt:]]. Thanks
Wiki updated. No conflict found.
Project is reserved for the project namespace (usually named for the wiki, eg 'Wikipedia'). To avoid confusion, no "Project" namespaces will be added.
Please create a Wikiprojekt: namespace. (Wikiprojekt, Dyskusja_Wikiprojektu). The Wikiprojekt: namespace was approved at [[pl:Wikipedia:Kawiarenka/Propozycje_dyskusja#Projekt:]]. Thanks
Works fine, thanks.