Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:41:07 UTC
Gentlemen, are you sure you want to use this Unicode character in e.g., $ w3m -dump http://localhost/mediawiki/index.php?title=Special:Categories\&uselang=en|less 1. 000.2500 <U+200E>(1 member) 2. 000.2750 <U+200E>(1 member) 3. 000.2900 <U+200E>(1 member) 4. 000.2950 <U+200E>(1 member) and many other places? None of my familiar Debian components show more than distress symbols (? less(1), uxterm above), if anything at all. gucharmap(1) says [not a printable character] U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK Wait, isn't that for like switching out of Arabic bidi mode? I see, LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK sounded good, but you were probably looking for an arrow or something. Anyways, do choose a printing character.
That's a bidi override for bidi-safety.