Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:42:51 UTC

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Bug 7838 - fails to create table
fails to create table
Product: MediaWiki
Classification: Unclassified
Installer (Other open bugs)
PC Windows XP
: Normal normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
Depends on:
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Reported: 2006-11-08 05:55 UTC by WiseSabre
Modified: 2010-05-15 15:42 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description WiseSabre 2006-11-08 05:55:51 UTC
on Windows Xp + IIS 5.1
mediawiki doesnt detects MySQL 5.0 instead it uses MySQL 4.0 script for creating

I manually changed path from config/index.php to mysql5 directory

now I am getting errors like..

Creating tables... using MySQL 4/5 table defs...Query "CREATE TABLE `user` (
user_id int(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, user_name varchar(255) binary
NOT NULL default '', user_real_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
user_password tinyblob NOT NULL '', user_newpassword tinyblob NOT NULL '',
user_email mediumtext NOT NULL '', user_options blob NOT NULL '', user_touched
char(14) binary NOT NULL default '', user_token char(32) binary NOT NULL default
'', user_email_authenticated CHAR(14) BINARY, user_email_token CHAR(32) BINARY,
user_email_token_expires CHAR(14) BINARY, user_registration CHAR(14) BINARY,
PRIMARY KEY user_id (user_id), UNIQUE INDEX user_name (user_name), INDEX
(user_email_token) ) TYPE=InnoDB, DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 " failed with error code
"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''', user_newpassword
tinyblob NOT NULL '', user_email mediumtext NOT NULL '', ' at line 5 (localhost)".

how to fix it?
Comment 1 Rob Church 2006-11-08 06:01:24 UTC
* Don't change important scripts and then whine when things break, it's rude
* If PHP is "finding" MySQL 4.x as opposed to 5.x, then it was built against an
older version of MySQL; on Windows, you'll have to upgrade PHP
Comment 2 WiseSabre 2006-11-08 06:03:11 UTC
I have PHP 5
Comment 3 WiseSabre 2006-11-08 06:05:59 UTC
I have PHP 5
Comment 4 Rob Church 2006-11-08 06:20:43 UTC
Please restate the problem, then, in clear and comprehensible English.
Comment 5 Brion Vibber 2006-11-08 14:46:54 UTC
That's the MySQL 5 schema being listed in the error message; that'll only work with MySQL 4.1 or higher.
Given the above error, you probably have MySQL 4.0 server.

(Note that that's no the same as having MySQL 5.0 client libraries, or having PHP 5.0)

Resolving INVALID.
Comment 6 Rob Church 2006-11-08 15:00:11 UTC
Brion, your ability to translate from complete gibberish continues to amaze me.
Comment 7 WiseSabre 2006-11-09 07:42:18 UTC
ok, I'm restating the problem.If you don't understand please say so.

I am trying to install mediawiki at my local PC .I have MySQL server 5.0 +IIS
5.1 + php 5 + win XP (sp2)

mediawiki displays following information while checking environment 

Checking environment...

PHP 5.2.0 installed 
Found database drivers for: MySQL 
PHP server API is cgi-fcgi; using ugly URLs (index.php?title=Page_Title) 
Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support. 
PHP is configured with no memory_limit. 
Have zlib support; enabling output compression. 
Couldn't find Turck MMCache, eAccelerator or APC. Object caching functions
cannot be used.
GNU diff3 not found.
Couldn't find GD library or ImageMagick; image thumbnailing disabled. 
Installation directory: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mediawiki 
Script URI path: /mediawiki 
Environment checked. You can install MediaWiki. 

after suppling mediawiki configuration information I get this message

PHP 5.2.0 installed 
Found database drivers for: MySQL 
PHP server API is cgi-fcgi; using ugly URLs (index.php?title=Page_Title) 
Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support. 
PHP is configured with no memory_limit. 
Have zlib support; enabling output compression. 
Couldn't find Turck MMCache, eAccelerator or APC. Object caching functions
cannot be used.
GNU diff3 not found.
Couldn't find GD library or ImageMagick; image thumbnailing disabled. 
Installation directory: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mediawiki 
Script URI path: /mediawiki 
Environment checked. You can install MediaWiki. 
Warning: $wgSecretKey key is insecure, generated with mt_rand(). Consider
changing it manually. 
Generating configuration file...

Database type: MySQL 
Loading class: DatabaseMysql
Attempting to connect to database server as root...success. 
Connected to 5.0.27-community-nt 
Database wikidb exists 
Creating tables... using MySQL 4 table defs...Query "CREATE TABLE `user` (
user_id int(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, user_name varchar(255) binary
NOT NULL default '', user_real_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
user_password tinyblob NOT NULL default '', user_newpassword tinyblob NOT NULL
default '', user_email tinytext NOT NULL default '', user_options blob NOT NULL
default '', user_touched char(14) binary NOT NULL default '', user_token
char(32) binary NOT NULL default '', user_email_authenticated char(14) binary,
user_email_token char(32) binary, user_email_token_expires char(14) binary,
user_registration char(14) binary, PRIMARY KEY user_id (user_id), UNIQUE INDEX
user_name (user_name), INDEX (user_email_token) ) TYPE=InnoDB " failed with
error code "BLOB/TEXT column 'user_password' can't have a default value

This problem seems to be a common with windows

Comment 8 Brion Vibber 2006-11-09 10:25:22 UTC
This is a known issue which has been dealt with separately.

As a workaround, turn off "strict mode" in MySQL.

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