Last modified: 2007-07-12 17:38:41 UTC
The attached patch convertPlural() should be added to that language file, as no counting rules are determined by now
Created attachment 2655 [details] counting rules for Upper Sorbian (hsb)
Comment on attachment 2655 [details] counting rules for Upper Sorbian (hsb) function convertPlural($count, $singular, $dual, $plural, $pluralgen) { switch (abs($count) % 100) { case 1: return $singular; case 2: return $dual; case 3: case 4: return $plural; default: return $pluralgen; } }
Comment on attachment 2655 [details] counting rules for Upper Sorbian (hsb) It's not a patch, because it includes RTF, and I wouldn't like to decode the symbols. Please upload a proper patch.
Created attachment 2663 [details] convertPlural() for Upper Sorbian (hsb) Added a proper patch against trunk/phase3.
Applied to r17521. Thanks for the patch.
For your information: 121 messages of 1645 are not translated to hsb, but exist in en: * protect_change * talkpagelinktext * namespaceprotected * badsiglength * autoblockedtext * nosuchsectiontitle * nosuchsectiontext * token_suffix_mismatch * recreate-deleted-warn * historysize * historyempty * rev-deleted-event * logdelete-selected * revdelete-hide-name * revdelete-suppress * revdelete-hide-image * revdelete-unsuppress * logdelete-logentry * revdelete-logaction * logdelete-logaction * revdelete-success * logdelete-success * oversightlog * overlogpagetext * stub-threshold * recentchangesdays * userrights-reason * userrights-available-none * userrights-available-add * userrights-available-remove * recentchangeslinked-noresult * recentchangeslinked-summary * minlength1 * fileexists-extension * fileexists-thumb * fileexists-thumbnail-yes * file-thumbnail-no * randomredirect-nopages * withoutinterwiki * withoutinterwiki-header * fewestrevisions * uncategorizedtemplates * mostlinkedtemplates * randompage-nopages * all-logs-page * log-search-legend * log-search-submit * log-title-wildcard * allpages-bad-ns * enotif_impersonal_salutation * enotif_lastdiff * enotif_anon_editor * rollback-success * modifiedarticleprotection * protect-locked-blocked * protect-locked-dblock * protect-locked-access * restriction-type * restriction-level * minimum-size * maximum-size * pagesize * restriction-level-all * undeleterevdel * month * year * sp-contributions-newbies * sp-contributions-search * sp-contributions-username * sp-contributions-submit * nolinkshere-ns * whatlinkshere-prev * whatlinkshere-next * whatlinkshere-links * ipbreasonotherlist * ipbreason-dropdown * ipbemailban * ipbotherreason * ipbhidename * ipb-edit-dropdown * unblocked-id * emailblock * ipblocklist-empty * ipblocklist-no-results * block-log-flags-noautoblock * block-log-flags-noemail * movepage-moved * djvu_page_error * djvu_no_xml * thumbnail_invalid_params * thumbnail_dest_directory * tooltip-t-print * tooltip-t-permalink * file-svg * monthsall * lag-warn-normal * lag-warn-high * watchlistedit-numitems * watchlistedit-noitems * watchlistedit-clear-title * watchlistedit-clear-legend * watchlistedit-clear-confirm * watchlistedit-clear-submit * watchlistedit-clear-done * watchlistedit-normal-title * watchlistedit-normal-legend * watchlistedit-normal-explain * watchlistedit-normal-submit * watchlistedit-normal-done * watchlistedit-raw-title * watchlistedit-raw-legend * watchlistedit-raw-explain * watchlistedit-raw-titles * watchlistedit-raw-submit * watchlistedit-raw-done * watchlistedit-raw-added * watchlistedit-raw-removed * watchlisttools-view * watchlisttools-edit * watchlisttools-raw * watchlisttools-clear 13 messages of 1558 do not exist in en (or are in the ignored list), but still e xist in hsb: * minlength * fileuploaded * clearwatchlist * watchlistcleartext * watchlistclearbutton * watchlistcleardone * removechecked * watcheditlist * removingchecked * couldntremove * wldone * pagemovedtext * displaytitle 6 messages of 1558 in hsb don't use some variables while en uses them: * cascadeprotected * blockedtext * copyrightwarning * cascadeprotectedwarning * revdelete-selected * protect-cascadeon