Last modified: 2007-07-12 17:38:41 UTC

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Bug 7835 - Update for Upper Sorbian language (hsb)
Update for Upper Sorbian language (hsb)
Product: MediaWiki
Classification: Unclassified
Internationalization (Other open bugs)
All All
: Normal enhancement (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
Depends on:
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Reported: 2006-11-07 21:24 UTC by Dundak
Modified: 2007-07-12 17:38 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---

counting rules for Upper Sorbian (hsb) (694 bytes, patch)
2006-11-07 21:27 UTC, Dundak
convertPlural() for Upper Sorbian (hsb) (639 bytes, patch)
2006-11-08 20:38 UTC, Naive cynic

Description Dundak 2006-11-07 21:24:56 UTC
The attached patch convertPlural() should be added to that language file, as no
counting rules are determined by now
Comment 1 Dundak 2006-11-07 21:27:30 UTC
Created attachment 2655 [details]
counting rules for Upper Sorbian (hsb)
Comment 2 Dundak 2006-11-07 21:28:33 UTC
Comment on attachment 2655 [details]
counting rules for Upper Sorbian (hsb)

function convertPlural($count, $singular, $dual, $plural, $pluralgen)
	switch (abs($count) % 100)
	case 1:
	    return $singular;

	case 2:
	    return $dual;

	case 3:
	case 4:
	    return $plural;

	    return $pluralgen;
Comment 3 Dundak 2006-11-07 21:29:17 UTC
Comment on attachment 2655 [details]
counting rules for Upper Sorbian (hsb)

function convertPlural($count, $singular, $dual, $plural, $pluralgen)
	switch (abs($count) % 100)
	case 1:
	    return $singular;

	case 2:
	    return $dual;

	case 3:
	case 4:
	    return $plural;

	    return $pluralgen;
Comment 4 Rotem Liss 2006-11-08 13:43:25 UTC
Comment on attachment 2655 [details]
counting rules for Upper Sorbian (hsb)

It's not a patch, because it includes RTF, and I wouldn't like to decode the
symbols. Please upload a proper patch.
Comment 5 Naive cynic 2006-11-08 20:38:42 UTC
Created attachment 2663 [details]
convertPlural() for Upper Sorbian (hsb)

Added a proper patch against trunk/phase3.
Comment 6 Rotem Liss 2006-11-10 12:49:54 UTC
Applied to r17521. Thanks for the patch.
Comment 7 Shinjiman 2007-07-12 17:38:41 UTC
For your information:

121 messages of 1645 are not translated to hsb, but exist in en:
* protect_change
* talkpagelinktext
* namespaceprotected
* badsiglength
* autoblockedtext
* nosuchsectiontitle
* nosuchsectiontext
* token_suffix_mismatch
* recreate-deleted-warn
* historysize
* historyempty
* rev-deleted-event
* logdelete-selected
* revdelete-hide-name
* revdelete-suppress
* revdelete-hide-image
* revdelete-unsuppress
* logdelete-logentry
* revdelete-logaction
* logdelete-logaction
* revdelete-success
* logdelete-success
* oversightlog
* overlogpagetext
* stub-threshold
* recentchangesdays
* userrights-reason
* userrights-available-none
* userrights-available-add
* userrights-available-remove
* recentchangeslinked-noresult
* recentchangeslinked-summary
* minlength1
* fileexists-extension
* fileexists-thumb
* fileexists-thumbnail-yes
* file-thumbnail-no
* randomredirect-nopages
* withoutinterwiki
* withoutinterwiki-header
* fewestrevisions
* uncategorizedtemplates
* mostlinkedtemplates
* randompage-nopages
* all-logs-page
* log-search-legend
* log-search-submit
* log-title-wildcard
* allpages-bad-ns
* enotif_impersonal_salutation
* enotif_lastdiff
* enotif_anon_editor
* rollback-success
* modifiedarticleprotection
* protect-locked-blocked
* protect-locked-dblock
* protect-locked-access
* restriction-type
* restriction-level
* minimum-size
* maximum-size
* pagesize
* restriction-level-all
* undeleterevdel
* month
* year
* sp-contributions-newbies
* sp-contributions-search
* sp-contributions-username
* sp-contributions-submit
* nolinkshere-ns
* whatlinkshere-prev
* whatlinkshere-next
* whatlinkshere-links
* ipbreasonotherlist
* ipbreason-dropdown
* ipbemailban
* ipbotherreason
* ipbhidename
* ipb-edit-dropdown
* unblocked-id
* emailblock
* ipblocklist-empty
* ipblocklist-no-results
* block-log-flags-noautoblock
* block-log-flags-noemail
* movepage-moved
* djvu_page_error
* djvu_no_xml
* thumbnail_invalid_params
* thumbnail_dest_directory
* tooltip-t-print
* tooltip-t-permalink
* file-svg
* monthsall
* lag-warn-normal
* lag-warn-high
* watchlistedit-numitems
* watchlistedit-noitems
* watchlistedit-clear-title
* watchlistedit-clear-legend
* watchlistedit-clear-confirm
* watchlistedit-clear-submit
* watchlistedit-clear-done
* watchlistedit-normal-title
* watchlistedit-normal-legend
* watchlistedit-normal-explain
* watchlistedit-normal-submit
* watchlistedit-normal-done
* watchlistedit-raw-title
* watchlistedit-raw-legend
* watchlistedit-raw-explain
* watchlistedit-raw-titles
* watchlistedit-raw-submit
* watchlistedit-raw-done
* watchlistedit-raw-added
* watchlistedit-raw-removed
* watchlisttools-view
* watchlisttools-edit
* watchlisttools-raw
* watchlisttools-clear

13 messages of 1558 do not exist in en (or are in the ignored list), but still e
xist in hsb:
* minlength
* fileuploaded
* clearwatchlist
* watchlistcleartext
* watchlistclearbutton
* watchlistcleardone
* removechecked
* watcheditlist
* removingchecked
* couldntremove
* wldone
* pagemovedtext
* displaytitle

6 messages of 1558 in hsb don't use some variables while en uses them:
* cascadeprotected
* blockedtext
* copyrightwarning
* cascadeprotectedwarning
* revdelete-selected
* protect-cascadeon

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
