Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:51:39 UTC

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Bug 7713 - h1 Tag causes saved page to have missing data (section editing)
h1 Tag causes saved page to have missing data (section editing)
Product: MediaWiki
Classification: Unclassified
Page editing (Other open bugs)
Other Linux
: Normal normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
Depends on: 12652
Blocks: 4899 11960
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Reported: 2006-10-25 22:46 UTC by bjkcubed
Modified: 2010-05-15 15:51 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description bjkcubed 2006-10-25 22:46:10 UTC
It seems using the h1 tag in a wiki page causes issues with editing sections.  These results are not seen with 1.6.8 but are seen with 
1.7 and 1.8.

Start out with:
==Heading 1==

==Heading 2==

If you click on Heading 2 to edit that section and then save that page you will get the result below.

==Heading 1==

==Heading 2==

In the example above I added the asdf when editing the second section, as you see data is lost.  Editing section 1 creates even more 
strange results.  Starting with the first example and editing section 1 I get the following output.

==Heading 1==

==Heading 2==
Comment 1 bjkcubed 2006-10-25 22:48:20 UTC
More server information...

MediaWiki: 1.8.2
PHP: 5.1.6 (apache2handler)
MySQL: 5.0.24a-standard
Comment 2 bjkcubed 2007-01-19 22:30:03 UTC
Bug still remains in version 1.9

MediaWiki: 1.9.0
PHP: 5.1.6 (apache2handler)
MySQL: 5.0.24a-standard-log
Comment 3 Alan Harder 2007-02-22 17:47:59 UTC
I also hit this problem (in version 1.9.2 and 1.9.3) but with h2 tags inside a pre.

It seems that code generating the section [edit] links properly skips over the
h2-inside-pre since it is rendered with the < and > encoded as html entities. 
However, the code saving the changes probably sees the raw text and counts this
as a section boundary, thus saving and overwriting the wrong section!
Comment 4 Brion Vibber 2007-02-23 06:39:09 UTC
Can confirm with 1.9, but seems fine on 1.10 w/ current trunk.
Comment 5 Thomas Hempel 2007-05-02 16:31:20 UTC
This is still an open issue with 1.10. All you need is a page with multiple
sections, some of which contain <pre> areas. Then go to a section right after
one with a <pre> tag in it, edit it, and add a new section, thus splitting the
section in half. When you save it is almost always corrupted. Just tried this
with 1.10RC1.
Comment 6 Thomas Hempel 2007-05-02 16:32:00 UTC
This is still an open issue with 1.10. All you need is a page with multiple
sections, some of which contain <pre> areas. Then go to a section right after
one with a <pre> tag in it, edit it, and add a new section, thus splitting the
section in half. When you save it is almost always corrupted. Just tried this
with 1.10RC1.
Comment 7 bjkcubed 2007-05-04 20:43:30 UTC
Just to confirm that the original example still has the same result on 1.10.0rc1.
Comment 8 Robert Leverington 2007-05-07 12:33:58 UTC
I have tested with MediaWiki 1.5 through to trunk and can verify that it happens
in all versions of MediaWiki higher than or equal to 1.7 (including trunk) - see, and

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