Last modified: 2007-01-01 10:02:06 UTC
For the last few days, the image server for Wikimedia ( has been incredibly slow when it comes to producing images and image thumbnails. Whenever I load a page on Wikipedia with images, I have to wait an extra half-minute or minute or so than normal. I would link this issue to heavy usage, but the rest of the wiki servers are (or appear to be) loading at normal speed. The URL above is an example of a page that would normally load all of the images in less than 10 seconds, but currently takes over several minutes to finish loading the images (and sometimes the image never loads). Any help is appreciated.
Seems to work for me. As text usually takes much less time than images to load, the difference between text and images is normal. However, 30 seconds is already a VERY long time to wait for something. Perhaps you should check your computer for torrents and viruses?
That link loaded very fast for me