Last modified: 2014-11-13 09:49:33 UTC
When doing a search from a URL shortcut for any of the strings "PVC", "PVD", or "PVK" (along with some others; see below), I get back only the following broken PHP: <?php require_once( './MWVersion.php' ); require getMediaWiki( 'index.php' ); The URL requested is (resp. PVD, PVK, …), and the browser is Chrome 38.0.2125.122 running on Mac OS X 10.8.3. The connection is over a Comcast link from Philadelphia. Most strings work, as does using the search box at the top of the page seems to work fine. Here are my results: Unsuccessful: "PVC", "PVD", "PVK", "pvc", "pve", "pvf" Successful: "poly-vinyl chloride", "ABC", "PVA" through "PVZ" other than the mentioned exceptions, "pva" through "pvz" other than the mentioned exceptions.
Thanks for taking the time to report this! > When doing a search from a URL shortcut How to do that? What's a URL shortcut?
Sorry, I should have been clearer! I have this problem when I go to the given URL ( via *whatever mechanism*, including just entering it into the URL bar. The way I happened to generate the URL was by using a Chrome search shortcuts. I was intending to contrast "URL shortcut" (i.e., one of Chrome's search shortcuts) with using a search box on a Wikipedia page; the search box at the top of an article, for instance, produces URLs like, which work fine (for instance, that one redirects to, as expected). Is that clearer?