Last modified: 2006-09-04 12:43:52 UTC

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Bug 7230 - error message instead of math formula. Editing, or changing language preference fixes it!
error message instead of math formula. Editing, or changing language preferen...
Product: Wikimedia
Classification: Unclassified
General/Unknown (Other open bugs)
PC Linux
: Normal normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
Depends on:
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Reported: 2006-09-04 11:48 UTC by goldstern
Modified: 2006-09-04 12:43 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description goldstern 2006-09-04 11:48:20 UTC
I use Mozilla Firefox and Epiphany on Linux; I am a registered user on the
Polish wikipedia. 
When I view the page'a , there
should be several 
formulas on the page, the first one is (in correct Latex) coded as 

\triangle f = div\ \overline{grad}\ f

Instead of each formula, I see the following text:   

 Parser nie mógł rozpoznać (Nie można utworzyć lub zapisywać w wyjściowym
katalogu dla wzorów matematycznych): \triangle f = div\ \overline{grad}\ f

(This is a Polish error message; "nie mozna utworzyc lub zapisywac w ...
katalogu dla wzorow" means, as far as I can tell, "cannot create/write in the
directory for formulas")


1.  When I download the page with wget, or lynx -dump (as unregistered user), or
w3m (as a registered user),
    I see the same error messages. 
    Ditto when I use Mozilla firefox or Windows Explorer on Windows XP. 

2. When I do any of the following,  the error messages will disappear and the
formulas are displayed correctly:
   a. click "edytuj" (edit this page), and then click the preview button "podglad"
   b. Change my "preferencje" (user preferences) to use some other language
(specifically, I tried this with
      English, German, Hebrew), then go back to "Operator Laplace'a", and reload
the page. 
      (When I then change my language to Polish, and reload, the error messages
come back.)

3. I had a similar problem on the English Wikipedia with the article . 
   The error message were in English (but I do not recall the exact text). 
   However, when I did a "null edit" (i.e., I clicked the edit button, did not
do any changes, then saved the article), 
   all the error messages had disappeared, and the formulas appeared correctly.
(Note: the null edit does not show up 
   in the history of that page.) 
   Hence: please do not edit the page, or else the error might disappear and
will be harder to trace.

Thank you for any help or advice. 

Martin Goldstern
Comment 1 Brion Vibber 2006-09-04 12:43:52 UTC
This will have been a cached error message from when there was a mismounted drive.
Use ?action=purge to clear such items from cache.

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