Last modified: 2006-08-27 16:07:57 UTC
Greetings, Attached you will find a update for the Portuguese localisation, mainly with some new messages added to MessagesEn.php since the last update. Please apply to trunk. Thank you and my best regards,
Created attachment 2274 [details] MessagesPt.php unified patch (agro) Patch for Portuguese localisation update (pt). Best regards,
Applied to r16227. If you'd like to fix more problems in the Portuguese translation, these are the problems detected by the automated script maintenance/checkLanguage.php: 131 messages of 1417 are not translated to pt, but exist in en: * copyrightwarning * upload_source_url * mimesearch * mimetype * download * statistics-mostpopular * uncategorizedimages * mostlinkedcategories * newpages-username * allpagesbadtitle * listusersfrom * watchlistfor * watchlistanontext * wldone * undeletedrevisions-files * undeletedfiles * cannotundelete * undeletedpage * sp-newimages-showfrom * istemplate * ipbanononly * ipbcreateaccount * unblocked * anononlyblock * createaccountblock * ipb_already_blocked * ipb_cant_unblock * lockfilenotwritable * databasenotlocked * export-submit * import-interwiki-text * import-interwiki-history * import-interwiki-submit * import-interwiki-namespace * importstart * import-revision-count * importnopages * importunknownsource * importcantopen * importbadinterwiki * importlogpage * importlogpagetext * import-logentry-upload * import-logentry-upload-detail * import-logentry-interwiki * import-logentry-interwiki-detail * Common.css * variantname-sr-ec * variantname-sr-el * variantname-sr-jc * variantname-sr-jl * variantname-sr * metadata-fields * exif-meteringmode-0 * exif-meteringmode-1 * exif-meteringmode-2 * exif-meteringmode-3 * exif-meteringmode-4 * exif-meteringmode-5 * exif-meteringmode-6 * exif-meteringmode-255 * exif-lightsource-3 * exif-lightsource-4 * exif-lightsource-9 * exif-lightsource-11 * exif-lightsource-12 * exif-lightsource-13 * exif-lightsource-14 * exif-lightsource-15 * exif-lightsource-17 * exif-lightsource-18 * exif-lightsource-19 * exif-lightsource-20 * exif-lightsource-21 * exif-lightsource-22 * exif-lightsource-23 * exif-lightsource-24 * exif-lightsource-255 * exif-sensingmethod-1 * exif-sensingmethod-2 * exif-sensingmethod-3 * exif-sensingmethod-4 * exif-sensingmethod-5 * exif-sensingmethod-7 * exif-sensingmethod-8 * exif-filesource-3 * exif-scenetype-1 * exif-whitebalance-0 * exif-whitebalance-1 * exif-scenecapturetype-0 * exif-scenecapturetype-1 * exif-scenecapturetype-2 * exif-scenecapturetype-3 * exif-gaincontrol-0 * exif-gaincontrol-1 * exif-gaincontrol-2 * exif-gaincontrol-3 * exif-gaincontrol-4 * exif-contrast-0 * exif-contrast-1 * exif-contrast-2 * exif-saturation-0 * exif-saturation-1 * exif-saturation-2 * exif-sharpness-0 * exif-sharpness-1 * exif-sharpness-2 * exif-gpslatitude-n * exif-gpslatitude-s * exif-gpslongitude-e * exif-gpslongitude-w * exif-gpsstatus-a * exif-gpsstatus-v * exif-gpsmeasuremode-2 * exif-gpsmeasuremode-3 * exif-gpsdirection-t * exif-gpsdirection-m * confirmemail_noemail * scarytranscludedisabled * scarytranscludefailed * scarytranscludetoolong * loginlanguagelabel * ascending_abbrev * descending_abbrev * table_pager_next * table_pager_prev * table_pager_first * table_pager_last * table_pager_limit * table_pager_limit_submit * table_pager_empty 3 messages of 1286 in pt don't use some variables while en uses them: * userstatstext * linkshere * nolinkshere 1 messages of 1286 in pt are empty or -: * tooltip-recreate 1 messages of 1286 in pt have a trailing whitespace: * cantcreateaccounttext