Last modified: 2009-06-01 15:04:15 UTC
Please enable transwiki import for the Hebrew projects, allowing importing from all the other Hebrew projects. For example, enable these links for Wikipedia: * wikt * q * b * s * n these for Wiktionary: * w * q * b * s * n etc.
Thanks for setting the transwiki import for hewiki, but please set it also for hewikiquote, hewikisource, hewikibooks, hewiktionary and hewikinews, to import from all the other Hebrew projects.
Please readd transwiki support for Hebrew Wikisource, which was removed for an unknown reason: 'hewikisource' => array( 'w', 'wikt', 'q', 'b', 'n' ),
The transwiki import for hewikisource has been added back into the configuration. Apologies for the apparent delay in processing.